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My heart felt like it had stopped, literally stopped. I gripped my chest, trying to breathe which felt impossible.
My eyes started filling with tears that fell seconds later. I wanted to run, yell, something, but I couldn't. I was frozen.

The front door was wide open and Niall was lying there unconscious on my living room floor. There was no blood, which was good, but he was still unconscious and he could possibly have a concussion, he was alive though, his chest moving up and down with every breath.

Finally, I scream at the top of my lungs.

Where is Sydney? I run into her bedroom. Empty. The bathroom. Empty. My bedroom. Empty. I called out her name but didn't get a reply.

"Syd? This isn't funny!" I yell as I run through the apartment in search of her.

I run back into the living room, finding Harry kneeling over Niall, shaking him. Niall groans but doesn't wake up which visibly frustrates Harry.

He lifts his head up for a second, glancing at me then looking back down to Niall. "Where's Sydney?"

"She's gone." A weak sob comes out.

He stares at me, pink lips parted, green eyes darting up and down my body. "I-"

"It's your fault!" I scream at him. I jump at him within a seconds time and throw my fists at his chest, hitting him with all the strengthen I have. "It's your fucking fault!"

"I know! Stop," he huffs angrily but doesn't stop my from hitting him. His flinches the first few hits but doesn't react after he forth hit.

He stands to his full height and I stop hitting him. I felt all the energy release from my shaking body and I felt lightheaded. Harry's hands gripped my forearms, making sure I wouldn't fall.
My body shook in horror as the full realization hit me. My daughter was gone because of this fucking bastard standing in front of me.

We needed to go after her. Isn't the first forty-eight hours the most important in finding a missing person? We had two days to find her or the chances would be cut in half.

It comes out as a sob, "We have to go to the police."

"We can't."

"Yes! Harry," I look up at him with watery eyes. Of course he isn't crying, why would he be? He doesn't care about her.

He shakes his head, "No, we can't. He'll kill her if we do."

"What? No. No! We have to go to the police right now!"

This Chester Lawrence took her which means he's going to be coming after me too. Harry said he wanted the both of us dead because he wanted to get back at him, for killing those two men. I still don't know the full story or what we have to do with this because Harry had made it pretty fucking clear he wanted nothing to do with us.

What if this was all a set up? What if Harry was behind this? It couldn't be a coincidence that Niall randomly comes up to me one day and wants to have a play date with his nephew and Sydney. He was Harry's friend after all, he could easily he playing along with this. Harry wanted me to come over so whoever he hired could come and take Sydney. For what though? Harry wasn't interested in being the father of the year, so why did he take her? That's the not thing that makes me doubt it was him. Still, most things pointed to Harry.

If I go to the police, and Harry really wasn't behind this, Chester could kill Sydney. I wouldn't take that chance.

"Tell me what you want." I glance at Harry for a moment before looking down at the floor, stepping away from him so he was no longer touching me.

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