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The rest of the night I thought about Harry. All the things we did together, all the things he has said and done to me that has hurt me, all of the things he's done to other people and all the pain he has caused people who he has never met. He was a good liar and very stubborn and I couldn't have him around Sydney, no way.

My head was spinning as I drove home as fast as I legally could. If he had found me I'm sure he could easily find where I live, and if he found Sydney with Joey who knows what he would do to both of them.

I pulled out my cellphone and quickly found Joey's number in my contacts and my eyes flicked from the road to my phone. It rang a few times before he answered.

"Hey" he answered calmly.

I tried to sound as calm as I could, but I was still pretty shaken up from my talk with Harry. "Um, hey. Where are you?"

I heard a loud bang in the background. It sounded like someone was banging on the door. "Home, why?" He asked.

"Don't answer the door" I warned him.

"It's the pizza guy- here, just keep the change- what has gotten into you?" He asked while also talking to the pizza guy.

I probably sounded crazy to him. "Nothing, I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. Ill be home soon" I lied.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." he said, making me relax slightly for some reason.

"Okay bye" I sighed into the phone before ending the call, setting the phone on my lap.

Maybe Harry won't come after Sydney after all, I mean I don't even think he actually wants her he just wants the power of knowing he can control someone. He controlled me all those years ago and I didn't even know it, he will try to control Sydney now.

The drive home was longer then I wanted but when I finally pulled into the parking lot of my apartment complex I felt myself relax a little. The parking lot was nearly empty, other then Joey's black Audi, two white cars and truck.

I locked the car doors after grabbing my purse and exiting the vehicle. The starry night sky reminded me of the night on the beach with Harry when we snuck out of the beach house.

"Hello Charlie" the building manager, Mr. Price, smiled at me as I entered.

"Hi Mr. Price, how are you?" I asked the elderly man who was sitting in a small white chair.

"I'm good, how are you?"

"Good, thank you for asking" I smiled at him before entering the elevator.

The annoying elevator music played softly as I rode up six floors until I reached the top floor, where my apartment was. The silver doors slide open allowing me to walk out into the hallway where I made my way to the end of the hall until I reached my apartment. I could hear loud music being played from the apartment next to mine where two teenage boys lived

with their mom who never seemed to be around. They were rude and did whatever they wanted while their mom was gone. When their mom came back she refused to believe that her two 'perfect angels' could misbehave in any way.

I banged on the brown door as the music got louder and louder. This was a constant problem, and I was sick of it. The police did nothing about it either so these boys thought they were free to do whatever.

I banged on the door even harder until I heard the music turn down slightly and footsteps coming towards the door.

"Hey Charlie" the oldest, Landon, greeted me with a charming smile.

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