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"You wanted to talk?" The amusement in his voice was clear.

I called Harry because I wanted answers, which I knew he had. This death which was on the news earlier this week had been eating away at me. I was drawn to it. I wanted to figure out who killed the girl, and why. From what I had learned from police reports, interviews with family and friends, and stuff on the news I learned she was a normal girl with a normal life. The autopsy showed that she hadn't been raped, but didn't give anymore detail on the matter. This person who had killed her was killing her for a specific reason. He either knew her or he killed her for revenge, or maybe he killed her for the hell of it. I decided the killer was a he even if I had no clue, for all I knew, I could be a women. But it felt right to call the killer a he.

I didn't want to waste time with small talk. "I want to know about killing."

"Er, is there something I should know...?"

"Can you just...tell me about being a killer? I want to know what would posses someone to kill another human being." I adjusted the gray beanie which was covering the majority of my frizzy hair.

"Why are you coming to me for this?"

"Are you seriously asking that?" My tone came out more disgusted then questioning. "You're a killer Harry-"

"Do you have to be so fucking loud?" His eyes flicked to the side, then to the other side before resting on me.

"I could be louder."

"I'm not telling you anything. Go online and research or something, I'm not saying a word." He shrugged.

I figured I should take a nicer approach to this. If I wanted him to tell me what I wanted I sure as hell wasn't going to get it out of him by yelling or threatening him.

"Please, Harry."

"Why the sudden interest, huh?"

Why couldn't he just cooperate? What was so hard about that? "On the news, this girl was murdered. The guy stabs her then leaves. Doesn't rape her, doesn't steal anything, just stabs her once in the chest and that's it. I want to know why someone would do that, what's the motive behind it?"

He sat next to me quietly, either thinking about it or not wanting to answer. The waitress comes over and we order our drinks. Harry doesn't speak until she's out of earshot.

"Don't know." Was all he said.

"Don't know? What the hell do you mean? This is something you should know!"

"I. Don't. Know. I'm not an expert on killing-"

"You should be! You killed-"

"I know what I did!" He yelled as his fists hit the table. Pairs of eyes looked our way but only lingered for a few seconds, not daring to look any longer. "I'm not.." He struggled to find the right words. "What I did wasn't suppose to happen. It wasn't like I intended on it. I didn't mean for it to happen. I'm not an expert on killing or anything so don't ask me to spill every detail about the mind of a killer because I don't know."

"If you would just tell me everything that happened I wouldn't-"

"Forget it. I'm not telling you shit about what happened and you need to get that through your mind." His eyes bore holes into me.

"It's not my fault-"

"It is your fault. Stop making me seem like the one who's doing wrong. It's none of your business what happened and it never will be."

"Yeah but-"

"It doesn't involve you, Charlotte."

"Can I just-"

"Drop it! You're so irritating! Leave. It."

I couldn't even get a full sentence out before he interrupted me. My patience with him was gone and I was almost positive there was steam coming out of my ears. "I can't stand you. I can't stand talking to you or being around you. I ask you for one thing, one small thing and you can't even do that for me! You didn't want Sydney or me in your life for four years and now that your back you can't even do this one thing for me! I think you're a lying bastard and you're useless." My voice got louder with every word and I was now standing.

"Are you done?" He asked, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly.

"This is all a game to you, isn't it?" I waited for a response but only got a wider smile. "I'm leaving."

"But we haven't even had dessert," he teased. "Sit down."

"I'm done with this conversation. You won't tell me what I want, so I'm done with this."

"Ya know babe," he paused long enough to look up and down my body. "I really like that dress on you, but I'd lose the leggings. Your legs are too sexy to cover up."

"Bite me."


His eyes held a hint of seriousness but the his smile told me he was amused with this little game. He pinched his bottom lip with his thumb and forefinger as his gaze held mine. As much as I hate him, as much as I want to slap him into next week, I couldn't deny how beautiful he truly was. His green eyes were a shade I couldn't describe and his smile was one you never wanted to stop looking at. His sharp features and tall structure made him look intimidating but at the same time you want to get closer, you want to see him up close. You wanted to make sure he was real because his beauty was something you couldn't just find every day. He had a true, pure beauty about him that wasn't easy to come by. Too had his heart was as black as coal.

"What are you thinking about?" His voice cut into my thoughts.


Without saying another word, I turned on my heels and walked out of the diner. I didn't need to look back to know he was watching me with that stupid smirk plastered on his face.


Short ughh..School has been taking up so much time I had to rush this and I'm sorry! But in other news 10.9K reads! That amazing and I can't thank y'all enough! Even if it's not a lot compared to other fanfics I still think its amazing! I will try to update again this week so vote and comment!

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