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The walk from the hall to the front door seemed ages long, I was terrified to open it as a few loud knocks came from the other side. If Harry was out there, he was angry, or eager.

I mentally yelled at Joey for not getting a door with a peephole. He didn't think it was worth an extra thirty dollars when we both decided to get the old ugly white door replaced, but now I wish I had that ugly door back because at least that one had a peephole.

I wanted to call out and see who was behind the door before opening it, but if it was Harry he wouldn't answer me, he's smart enough to know I wouldn't answer it if it was him.

I slid the chain lock on before twisting the door handle, he couldn't get in with the chain on.

When I opened the door, a tired eyed Landon stood on the other side. "It's about fucking time."

"What are you doing? Is everything okay?" I asked him, relieved beyond words that it wasn't Harry.

"Yeah I'm fine. But I wanted to talk to you," he sighed "about last night."

What about last night could he possible want to talk about? He knew nothing about Harry an I, and thing happened between us for him to come over at nine in the morning to talk? He was obviously hung over and very tired, so this must be important.

"Greg is pissed. He's looking for you and Harry." Landon told me as he stepped into my apartment, once I had undone the chain at the top of the door.

"Me? Why is he looking for me?"

"He's pissed that you stopped the fight. He said he could have beaten Harry if it wasn't for you butting in." He explained. We both made our way over to the island in the kitchen where I poured us both a cup of coffee which was left over from Joey.

"You're kidding me," I laughed "so what then? He's going to come after me and beat me up?"

"No, but he's going to try to find Harry. And when he does, he's not going to just beat him up." Landon looked at me with concern.

None of this was my problem. Harry gets what's coming to him, this is just karma for every bad thing he has done in his life. I don't even care what happens to Harry, it would be better if he was gone anyways.

"Not my problem." I shrugged as I stirred a spoonful of sugar into my white mug.

"Greg knows where Harry lives, he's going to come after him and hurt him."

"Harry can take care of himself." I said.

"Greg is dangerous, he'll come after Harry with a gun. He needs a place to stay. Somewhere where Greg won't come looking." Landon looked at me with pleading eyes.

He wants me to let Harry stay here.

"No. Landon, absolutely not" I shook my head so fast it could have come off. "He's not stepping one foot in this apartment. I have a daughter."

"Where else do you want him to go? Greg is only coming after him because of you."

"I stopped Harry from killing the bastard! He should be thanking me!" I yelled.

"Yeah, well he doesn't see it that way! Do this one thing. For me" he begged, blue eyes staring into mine.

"No, I'm sorry but no. He can stay at a hotel or something" I said.

I can't actually believe he would come and ask me to let Harry stay here. Even though he knew nothing about our past or Harry's past he still shouldn't come and ask for me to let him stay here, knowing damn well I have a daughter. Harry is practically a stranger now, a very very dangerous stranger who could explode at any minute. He's like a grenade with its pin already pulled.

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