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The whole conversation to and from the movie theater was about Harry. Missy just couldn't let go of the fact that he was a total jerk who we would most likely run into again. She went on about how she wanted to "smack that sexy smirk right off his face" and how hot he was, even though he was an asshole. But I liked how she didn't care for him even with the little amount of conversing that was done between them.

"Next time I see him, I'm giving him a piece of my mind." She went on as we pulled into the Pizza Studio parking lot.

We both agreed that pizza would be better then greasy burgers from Mcdoanlds. Half way through the movie you could hear my stomach growling like a mad dog, which made the young boy sitting next to me groan along with his mother who gave me the evil eye every time her son complained about my obnoxious stomach every time it made a sound.

"What if you never see him again?" I asked her, knowing damn well she would.

"Then I will hunt him down," She said seriously.

The restaurnt wasn't busy and it was a seat yourself type of place so I made my way to a small table near the front windows. The smell of cheese and freshly baked dough filled the decently sized room, which only made my stomach growl louder.

A young man, dressed in jeans and a red polo, came over to us with a bright smile. "What can I get ya?"

"We just want a small pepperoni pizza and two beers." Missy answered for the both of us.

"Um, actually I'd like a coke instead?" I said but it came out more like I was asking permission.

"Okay, I will be out with your drinks in a minute." He assured us with another bright smile before heading to the back of the restaurant.

I glanced around the nearly empty restaurant, only one ypung couple and a small family of three took up the rest of the restaurant. It was quiet peaceful actually. Coldyplay played quietly in the background as a flat screen t.v. played the news, white colored words rushing on and off at the bottom of the screen as a gray haired man spoke about a massive man hunt to find a small girl in Indiana who had been missing for two days.

"Oh shit," Missy's soft gasp was enough to draw my attention from the t.v.

A group of four young men walked into the now noisey restaurant, laughing and playfully hitting one another. My first thought was, damn they are all gorgeous but as soon a tall, green eye'd Harry walked into the restaurant, my heart had stopped. As if this is the first time I have seen him in years, and I really hoped this effect he had on me would soon go away because I didn't like this scared feeling he gave me every time his eyes locked with mine.

"It's time to give him a piece of my mind." Missy practically growled as Harry joined the group of men sitting at a large booth near back of the restaurant.

"No, please dont!"

"Why the hell not?" Missy asked harshly, already standing from her seat.

"He is with four other guys, who knows what him or his friends will do if you piss them off" I warned.

"We are in a restaurant with at least ten other people! They won't do shit." She was very confident that she would be able to say what she wanted without them doing a thing about it, but she didn't know who Harry even was, she didn't know what she was getting herself into.

I tried grabbing onto her arm but she was already halfway to their booth. Instinctively I followed after her, ready to back her up if needed, even though a small women like me would do nothing against someone as big as Harry or any of his friends. I was terrified of what would happen or what one of them would say but I followed behind Missy until we reached their booth.

"Hey you bastard, have a minute to talk?" Missy slammed her fists down on the wooden table, causing a loud thump sound to echo through the resturant.

Harry looked over to the dark haired guy sitting across from him, acting confused about what was going on."Can I help you?" he finally spoke after a minute of confused looks which were traded mostly between him and his dark haired friend.

"I'm just slighty annoyed at how rude you were to me and my friend earlier today" Missy explained to him. His friends gaze going from us to Harry.

Harry chuckled slightly, "I don't recall that."

"I do, and so does Charlie."

All of Harry's friends eyes widened at the mention of my name. As if they were surprised that was my name, it was an odd name for a girl anyways.

A pair of bright blue eyes met with mine and didn't look away for at least ten seconds, which felt like an eternity.

"Charlie?" The blue eye'd one questioned while looking back to Harry who remained silent. "You're not serious?"

"Um, yeah?" I didn't know how to answer, I was just as confused as the blue eye'd boy seemed.

"No shit" he smiled widely at Harry. "I thought you made her up, some crazy shit here."

I was literally right here and they were talking about me, well the blue eye'd one was, Harry stayed silent as he stared at his hands which were now in his lap. Missy was totally confused about the whole situation as was I, the blue eye'd one knowing who I was just confused me all together but Harry's odd shift behavior made it even more confusing and weird.

"Harry told us you were in LA but never mention running into you" the dark haired one stated.

"Harry?" Missy confusedly turned to me. Shit.

"You fucking bastard!" Missy screamed at the top of her lungs, literally grabbed Harry by the throat.

Her small hands easily made access to his neck, wrapping tightly and squeezing. It didn't seem to faze him much but he didn't make an attempt to stop her as she screamed harsh words at him. His friends sat by and watched, as did everyone else in the restaurant. I silently prayed that she would stop this reckless behavior and cursing like a drunken sailor since there were kids not even ten feet from us but she only got worse as the minutes ticked by.

"Missy, stop!" I demanded as I grabbed her by the waste, "that's enough."

"Did you forget what he did?" She asked furiously.

Of course I didn't, I would never be able to forget any of the horrible things he did but it wasn't an excuse for her to strangle him. "We should go"

"I think you should stay" Harry's voice finally spoke after minutes of harsh stares and heavy breaths, "We have some things to talk about."

I stayed silent, I didn't know what to say. I wanted to know more, to understand more but I knew it wasn't the best idea. He would want to talk alone which would be dangerous on my part but I was still curious and needed to know more. "Sure."

"Charlie I-"

"Here, over at that table" I interrupted Missy. It's far enough away to have a private conversation but close enough to where he wouldn't try anything.

If Harry wanted to talk to me he would take this chance and be grateful that I actually want to talk to him. The promise I made to myself that I would stay away from him was already broken so I might as well find out as much as I can instead of being left in the near dark.

His green eyes flickered over to the other side of the restaurant. "Okay."


This is a short and terrible chapter but I'm double updating this week! I'll be updating Friday too so yeah vote and comment!

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