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It felt like I was taken back in time, sitting here with him, listening to him talk. Even though I wasn't fully listening, I was paying attention to the way his lips moved with everyone word that he spoke. It's not that I was still attracted to him or anything but he was mesmerizing. The way his shirt was unbuttoned at the top, showing his now tattooed chest almost made me weak. It would make any girl weak.

"Are you listening to me?" He asked calmly.

"Oh uh," I didn't know what to say, I wasn't listening. "Yeah, yeah go on."

"What did I just say?" He challenged, one eyebrow raising.

"You were talking about...how...that you..." I had no idea and I sounded like an idiot.

"Maybe we should go somewhere more private so you don't have as many distractions," he suggested "unless, I am the distraction?"

"Hell no, don't flatter yourself. I'm just tired" I lied.

He smiled widely, dimples prominent "Well you were staring."

"I was not!" I squealed "I'm leaving."

I didn't have to second think standing up from the table and walking back to the booth of boys, and Missy, who had gotten into a deep conversation with the blonde haired boy about the process of pizza making. You could hear how frustrated she was while trying to explain making the dough. She knew how to make pizza like an expert since her father use to own an Italian restaurant which mainly served pizza and pasta.

"I'm telling you Niall, all of that shit about it being easy to toss pizza dough is lies. It's fucking hard." Missy explained as the boys laughed.

"I can do it, no problem." The blonde one, Niall, said back.

"I would love to see that." Missy rolled her eyes.

None of them had noticed my presents as I stood at the end of the table. I didn't need to turn around to know Harry was standing directly behind me, his hand was gently placed on my lower back. I didn't attempt to move it.

"Are you ready to go?" I spoke when I got the chance.

"Done already?" Niall looked over to me, then back to Harry who was way to close for comfort.

"We didn't finish talking." Harry said flatly.

Although I wanted to know, more then anything, what Harry had to say I was already annoyed by his presence and overly confident attitude. During our ten minute conversation I had only caught bits and pieces like "...and I didn't just...." Or "....like the time when we..." But that was pretty much it.

Maybe this was the best time to try and ask him to leave me alone, leave my family alone but I know he would get angry just at the thought of it. He had no desire to actually be a father, I knew that, all he wanted was leverage. He wanted me to stay quiet, even though I had stayed quiet this whole time he still didn't trust me. But then again I didn't have the details so I couldn't just waltz into a police station, tell them what I knew, which was hardly anything, then expect them to just throw him into jail.

They would investigate which would take time, and that would give him time to do whatever he wanted. A restraining order would do nothing, if thought he was already going to jail for murder then he wouldn't hesitate to break a restraining order just to get what he wants.

"I'm really tired, can we go?" I asked quietly. I really was tired now, damn straight exhausted.

"I'll take you home. I have to go there anyways" Harry said monotone, now beside me.

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