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He stopped when reached her front door. He didn't want to do this, but he knew he had too. His life wasn't his anymore and the only way to keep himself safe was to do as he was told and so that's what he was going to do.

He didn't understand why he had to do the dirty work, but he didn't ask questions because that would only mean one thing. Pain.

He slowly opened the front door, which lead directly into a dark living room. She was in bed. He walked quietly up the dust covered stairs, slowly making his way into the small bedroom where she laid peacefully on her back.

He doesn't want to do this.

He doesn't want to do this.

But he has to do it.

Without talking another look, he drove the blade into her chest. She didn't even wake up, didn't move, didn't struggle...just...slept. He twisted the knife to make sure the job was done and when he saw her breathing stop he pulled the now red covered knife out of her chest.

The sound of his phone ringing caused him to jump a bit but he soon recovered and answered. "What?"

"Is it done?" The muffled voice asks.

He looked at the women's lifeless body for a moment before answering, "Yes."

"Excellent. Now get out of there before the cops show up."

"Is this the last time?" He asks, knowing it wasn't.

"I'll tell you when it's the last time. Now meet me at the usual spot so we can discuss about the next...assignment."

He sighed heavily. He didn't want to so this anymore. He wanted a normal life again. "Fine, but there better be fucking food there because I'm starved." He huffed before hanging up.


I haven't seen Harry all week. It's like he has disappeared off the face of the earth. He hasn't come by, made any kind of contact, I haven't seen him in the building, hell, I've even gone over to Landon's but he hasn't seen him either. I wasn't worried about him but I was hella curious. Where did he go? Why did he run out of the apartment the way he did? Where the hell is he? Sydney was convinced she did something wrong but I don't think it was her. It was something deep inside him that caused him to freak out and run. Maybe he was out of our lives forever? Maybe he decided to just leave us alone and go on with this pathetic life as a murderer.

"There's this dinner party tonight, Joey can't go because he has to work late so can you please come? I can't go alone." Missy begs.

I was in no mood to go to a dinner party full of people I didn't know. None of Missy's friends were friends of mine, I would be totally out of place.

"I don't have anyone to watch Sydney." I think of the best excuse I can think of.


"Yeah, I'm gonna let him watch her." I roll my eyes.

"I'm just naming names, don't be so bitchy."

"Okay, well I'm definitely not going now" I hiss.

I had an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach, I wasn't close to being ready and I had nobody to watch Sydney. So it looks like I couldn't go, what a shame.

Missy could ask one of her other friends to do this with her and I'm sure they would be more then happy to do it. I'm not the type to go to fancy dinner parties anyways. I liked my jeans and sweaters even though a dress and heels every once in awhile didn't hurt.

Missy sighs loudly, "fine, you win. I'll go all alone and look like a friendless loser."

"Poor baby," I smile, "you'll survive."

"Hardly. Maybe I'll just skip it, it's not that important," she shrugs, "just some people from work."

"Do whatever you want." I shrug.

I slapped a piece of turkey onto some white bread, along with a slice of American cheese and lettuce. I handed the sandwich to Sydney who already had a mouth full of chips, along with a lap full of crumbs.

"Maybe I'll hang out here? Joey will be back late so I'll just crash in his room." Missy says, mostly to herself. She knows I don't care what she does.

"I don't care. Just don't keep me up super late, I have work in the morning." I remind her.

"Right, well then, I'll just take these," she grabs a bag of potato chips and a can of Coke "and be on my way." She smiles then let's herself out of the front door.

"She took my chips." Sydney huffs and I laugh.

I let Sydney finish her sandwich before cleaning off the table and giving her a bath. She plays in the tub while I sit and finish the last few chapters of my book. She giggles while bubbles surround her small body.

"...another murder here in LA catches the attention of the..." The words seem so loud, like the tv in right in front of me with the volume on full blast.

"Syd, stay here for a minute." I tell her as I rush back into the living room.

The tv shows a women - who I'm guessing is a close friend or relative - cries hysterically while a dark haired man talks beside her. I turn the volume up even louder.

"I don't know who would want to kill our angel," he says to the camera. "Everyone loved her and she never, never hated anyone. She was so sweet and caring..."

Yeah. That's what every parent wants to think of their daughter.

"There are no signs of robbery or rape, so whoever did this had the intention of only killing Miss Richard..." A cubby police officer told the camera while Mr. and Mrs. Richard stand next to him. "There was only one wound on the victim, a stab direction to the chest," Mrs. Richard sobs loudly at the words. "There were no signs of struggle or other injures but we won't be positive until the autopsy is finished. We advise all those in the state of California to keep their doors and windows locked at all times. Do not leave your children alone and do not go out after dark alone. We don't know who this killer is but we promise to find him. Thank you." The officer finishes and seconds later a women is telling us about the 60% chance of rain we have today.

A killer is on the loose....and I am terrified. The address of the victim -which they probably shouldn't have shown on tv but whatever- is only three miles from my apartment. The ironic thing is that I have spent time around Harry, who I know is a killer yet he doesn't scare me much anymore. Maybe the difference is, I know Harry is a killer, but I believe with all my heart that he wouldn't hurt me or Sydney.

This other killer, I don't know him-or her- and I don't know what their capable of. He/she murdered that poor women in cold blood and didn't even bother taking her diamond necklace or plasma screen tv which he/she could both easily sell. He/she didn't rape her either, so the killing was planned, the killer just wanted her dead and nothing more. Did she do something to puss the killer off? Or did the killer just decided to kill her because he/she felt like it?

My head was spinning with questions. I wanted to know what the killer was thinking. I wanted to know why he/she killed that girl. I don't know why, but I want to know. So to know I would have to get inside the head of a killer. I didn't know enough about killing to do that, but I knew someone who did.


So I'm finally back. Yay! Yeah well here's the next chappy so I hope y'all enjoy! Vote and comment!

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