Nosy Much?

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(A/N) This chapter is a Teen Titans fanfic. It's probably terrible. All well, here's your update!

Raven was sitting on the couch, reading a book while Beast Boy and Cyborg were raiding the fridge. Robin was doing a hand stand out of boredom. The day had been slow. No villains, and no real crime had been committed. Starfire floated in to the living room, and let out a sigh.

"I am the bored." She said, followed by another sigh.

"Yep." Robin said, popping the 'p'. 

"Hey I know what we should do!" Beast Boy came in to the room with a bag of chips. "We should try guessing Robin's identity!" 

Everyone perked up at the idea. At this point the team was so bored they would do anything to entertain themselves.

"Ooh, that sound's the fun!" Star exclaimed.

Robin flipped on to his feet and groaned. This wasn't the first time they had played this 'game'.

"Is your name...George?" Cyborg asked, rubbing his chin.


"Adam?" Raven questioned, closing her book.


"Pete?" Beast Boy said through a mouth full of food.

"No. You should just face it. You aren't going to guess my ID this way." Robin sighed.

"Yeah, so why don't you just tell us?" Raven folded her arms smugly, not really expecting him to answer, and she was right.

"I can't do that." He shrugged then grabbed a chip from Beast Boy.

"Dude! That's so uncool!" The green changeling said pulling the chip bag closer to his chest. They weren't sure if he was talking about Robin stealing his chips or Robin not telling them his identity. 

"Come on man, just a little hint?" Said Cyborg giving the ebony haired boy puppy eyes.

Robin pinched his nose bridge and sighed, clearly fed up with their pressuring. The Titans continued their questioning, receiving no answers until Robin had lost all patience with them and ripped off his mask, revealing his piercing blue eyes. 

"There. Would you leave me alone now?" He was angry, and the others could tell, recoiling quickly. 

Robin sighed once again before pressing the mask back on to his face and storming out of the room. Starfire bit her bottom lip before speaking quietly.

"I feel bad for Friend Robin. We were talking too much..." 

Everyone silently nodded, feeling solemn. The silence was broken by Beast Boy eating another chip and crunching loudly.

~~1 Hour Later~~

Robin emerged from is room wearing civvies and no mask, his crystal blue eyes fluttering around the room nervously.

"Hey guys." He stepped in front of the Titans who were all gathered on the couch. "Look, I'm sorry for getting angry at you guys. I know you want to know who I am and I guess I've kept it from you too long." He fidgeted nervously with the zipper of his jacket. "My name is Richard Grayson, or as I prefer to go by, Dick."

Beast Boy snickered quietly earning a punch on the arm from Cyborg.

"I think Friend Dick is cool no matter what he is the called!" Star smiled. 

"Yeah. You're still our friend!" Cyborg said. 

 "Thank you." Robin was glad that he had told them. They were his team, his friends, and he knew he could trust them.

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