The Bat Son's Bat Sonar

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(A/N)This is where Wally meets Robin, but a few things are different about Rob. Robin is 12 and Wally is 15.

Wally POV

I was practically jumping up and down with excitement. Uncle Barry told me I was finally going to meet Robin. The first sidekick, and Batman's none the less. He was skilled in hand to hand combat and an amazing hacker. He may have only been 12 or so, but he was definitely awesome. He usually didn't do anything with Young Justice but Batman had convinced him to join. I wasn't sure why he wouldn't want to join, but he was going to now so it didn't matter.

"Calm down! Batsy and his bat kid will be here soon." Uncle Barry chuckled, folding his arms and shifting his weight. 

"I know, I know! I'm just so excited though!" I was pacing back and forth.

Recognized Batman 0- 

Before I could hear the last of that sentence I ran around the room to release my anxiety. Batman walked into the room, a glare on his face as usual, but beside him was a boy no taller then 5'2 with black hair. He was skinny and his skin was pale, and a mischievous smirk was set on his face.

"Hey Bats! Hi there Rob. How's it going?" Uncle Barry smiled, and shot me a glance.

"We're doing pretty awesome!" Robin replied, a huge grin on his face.

Flash but a hand on Robin's shoulder and brought him over to me, while Batman continued to glare. What was his problem anyway?

"Hi! You must be Kid Flash!" Robin gave me a warm smile and stuck out his hand. 

"Yep that's me!" I shook his hand carefully, slightly worried that I would hurt him. He was really small.

"We'll leave you two to talk." Batman said, leaving the room, Uncle Barry close behind.

There was an awkward silence between Robin and I, until I cleared my throat.

"So why haven't you joined the team sooner?" I blurted out. I couldn't help it! When I have a question must ask!

"Well...I was worried I wasn't ready to join." He looked uncomfortable.

"Oh...okay, then do you want to play some video games?" I asked hurriedly.

He laughed nervously. 

"Actually I can't..."

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow, wondering why he couldn't. Was Bats strict about that kind of stuff?

"I'm...well, I'm blind." He smiled, while my jaw literally dropped to the floor.

"What? No way! You're so sure of yourself!" 

He shrugged. "What can I say? I refuse to use a probing cane."

"Then how do you fight?" I was blown away.

"Um...I use my fists?" He said as if it was obvious.

Just then the rest of the team came in to the living room.

"Hey Baywatch." Artemis said, clearly unhappy that I was here.

"Nice to see you too Arty." I rolled my eyes, then turned my attention back to Robin.

"Guys this is Batman's sidekick, Robin."

Robin smiled and waved in the general direction of the others, despite the fact that he couldn't see them.

"Hello Robin. Welcome to the team!" Aqualad smiled. "I'm Aqualad. This is Artemis, Miss Martian, and Superboy. 

"Nice! So Kaldur, Artemis, Megan, and Conner?" They were all stunned. "Oh, and of course Wallace West."

Robin's Book Of One-Shots (Slow Updates)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें