Not Broken, Shattered (Part 1)

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It had been a month. A month since the world of a certain 13 year old came crashing down. Everything changed. Not just changed. It almost was unrecognizable. Bonds had been broken and might never be repaired. 

Dick was sitting on the edge of his bed, his eyes vacantly staring at his hands. His emotions were all over the place and he wished things could go back to normal.


Robin leaned against the concrete wall, his breathing rapid. He was covered in his own crimson blood. The Joker had decided to pull him away from his team so they could have a little talk. His arm was throbbing from the strange fluid he'd been injected with. He'd alerted Batman of his whereabouts before the Joker took him, he just had to hold on a little longer. 

Black spots appeared in his vision and he lost all consciousness. Or so he thought. Batman busted through the door to see Robin in a fighting stance. His maskless eyes were clouded over and they had no life in them. Robin lunged at the Dark Knight viciously, taking him by surprise.

*End Flashback*

The serum he'd been injected with was causing him to lose control over himself. He was violent and...inhuman.

There was a knock on the door and Alfred stepped in. Dick looked up from his hands and tried to calm himself.

"Master Bruce is waiting in the cave for you."

Dick nodded and stood up, maintaining a calm composure. He walked behind Alfred, trying to keep his breathing even and controlled. 


"Dick, I think it's time you try to go to the mountain." Bruce said, removing his cowl.

"I don't think I'm ready..." Dick replied nervously.

Bruce put his hand on the boys shoulder. "It'll be okay. They're your friends, and they want to see you."

Dick nodded, hoping this idea wasn't going to end badly.


Recognized: Robin B01

Robin stepped out of the zeta beam and made his way to the kitchen. He thought that either Wally or M'gann would be in there. It was empty. He then looked in the living room. Nope.n He knocked on all of their bedroom doors. Nothing. He searched high and low.

Secretly feeling relieved, Dick sat down on the couch and turned on the news. That didn't last long though. The team came into the room, covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

"Robin," M'gann said happily. "It's so good to see you!"

Dick stood up and forced a smile.

"Good to see ya too!"

"How are you my friend?" Kaldur asked in his usual polite tone.

"Never been better!" He never told the team what happened. He'd actually considered quitting and he came close to but Bruce convinced him otherwise.

"We should clean ourselves up the I'll make some cookies!" 

"Sounds good!" Dick grinned at her.

About twenty minutes later Artemis emerged from her room, being done first.

"Hey Rob." She sat next to the boy on the couch and turned her attention to the news.

"Richard Grayson, ward of Bruce Wayne was seen interacting with The Joker earlier this month and the footage has just barely been released to the public. Why don't we take a look at the video clip."

The video was extremely blurry but you could tell it was Dick. He was covered in blood and had a frown on his face. It had been recorded before he'd been knocked unconscious. Before he'd been injected with...a curse. You couldn't tell he was wearing his Robin costume because the Joker was blocking him.

"I go to school with him." Artemis said. "He's an interesting character."

Robin was tense and didn't pay much attention to what she'd just said. His heart rate increased and he felt sweaty. His vision quickly became spotty until he lost all awareness of his surroundings.

~~~(Can I have more line breaks in this chapter??)~~~

When Robin woke he was still in the living room but everything was destroyed and Artemis had him in a choke hold, fear laced into her expression. She shoved him against the wall and stepped back, her stance defensive. The rest of the team came into the room ans stood there in shock. The scene before them was not normal. Artemis had a bloody nose and a deep gash on her side while Robin had a bloody lip and his wrist was bent in a strange way. The room was absolutely trashed, the television on broken and the couch cushions spread all over the floor.

"What happened?" Wally asked, his eyes wide.

"He attacked me!" Artemis yelled. "Completely out of the blue! We weren't even arguing he just randomly flipped me onto the ground!"

The others were very confused, but Dick knew what had happened and he began to panic, only making things worse. He lost control when his emotions were strong or he had an elevated heart rate. Not exactly good because he was breathing too quickly AND his emotions were spread from here to kingdom come.

"Robin is this true?" Kaldur said, a hint of disbelief in his tone.

The boy sank to his knees and held his hands over his ears, trying to block everything out. He needed to steady his breathing and fast. He was too late.

(A/N) Eyyyyy!!!! It's good to see ya'll again! Please excuse the typos. I was too lazy to go through and fix them all. At first I was going to have this be a one part story but I'm too anxious to update. This was a random idea that popped into my head after reading a fanfiction by BookwormTalents. Keep a look out for part 2!

P.S. 100 reads on this already! Yay! Some people are actually reading this useless garbage!

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