Not Broken, Shattered (Part 2)

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When Robin opened his eyes he was being held to the ground by Conner and Wally. The room was an even bigger mess than before and Megan had a busted lip. A mix of emotions washed over the boy as his team mates looked at him in...fear. They were scared of him.

"Wally you're hurting me," The boy said, his voice hoarse.

"I'm sorry Rob, I can't let you go. Not until Batman gets here."

Robin held his eyes shut, regulating his heart rate. He honestly wanted to break down in tears. He felt too many different things though. He didn't know what he was feeling.

"What happened here?" Batman inquired, coming into the room.

He didn't need to ask anymore questions when he saw Robin being held to the ground by his fellow team mates.

"Let him go," the bat said, gazing down at his ward.

Conner and Wally got to their feet both looking unhappy. Robin sat up and put his head on his knees after he pulled them to his chest.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. 

He wanted to curl up and disappear. Everything was crashing down on him. and before he could even register what was happening, he felt hot tears flow down his cheeks. All his bottled up feelings basically exploded. Batman scooped the boy up and took him to the room he had at Mount Justice, then came back to speak with the rest of the team.

"What's going on with Rob? He doesn't come to the mountain for a month and when he does he attacks us?" Wally had a furrowed brow, his eyes full of concern.

~~~(OMG it's another friggin' line break!)~~~

When Robin emerged from his room he found his friends waiting for him on the couch. They'd cleaned up already and they were talking quietly among themselves.

"Have a seat Robin," Kaldur said, gesturing to the empty spot on the couch.

The young hero sat nervously, worried they were going to tell him something bad.

"Batman told us everything," M'gann said softly. "It's okay Robin. We understand now. We aren't mad." She spoke to him in a way as if he was a ticking time bomb, careful not to set him off.

"Thank's Miss M," Robin said. "Thank you. It means a lot."

(A/N) AAAAAANNNNNDDD THAT'S THE END! I was too lazy to make a super good ending. Sorry, not super sorry. Heh. oookkaay, this got awkward fast. Anywhoos I'm open to requests and I'm willing to make some of these one-shots into actual stories, just say the word!

Questions of the day!

Have you ever cried on the first day of school?

Can you do a handstand?

Chocolate or gummy bears?

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