A Fateful Walk (Part 1)

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Damian opened his eyes quickly, out of breath and trembling. As of late his nightmares had been getting more intense. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and threw the covers off. He leaned his head back on the wall and took a shaky breath, trying to slow his racing heart. He hated how weak he felt every night. He hated how he was powerless to help himself in this kind of situation. He hated it. Damian let out a long sigh and stood up. He knew he wasn't going to be able to fall asleep again so he decided to leave the house. For the first time in a long time, he didn't feel like going out as Robin. He threw on a sweat shirt and some sneakers before jumping in to the tree outside his window and swinging to the ground. 

The night was chilly and the sky was filled with clouds. He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked slowly down the street, his eyes scanning everything around him. He wasn't sure why he wanted to go out as himself instead of Robin, but he was strangely calm. The street was empty and the only light came from a single street light that stood on the corner. Damian took a deep breath and decided that he should head to The Batcave to work on a case instead of wandering around aimlessly. The hair on the back of his neck stood up and he suddenly felt the feeling of calmness replaced by uneasiness. Damian whipped around and was faced by...a girl.

She had long auburn hair that was filled with rats and wore a ripped pair of jeans and a dirty tank top. She was holding her arms close to her as she shivered and she was obviously crying. 

"P-please...help..." She stammered weakly before collapsing on the ground.

??? POV

Cold. I was so...cold. My fingers were numb and my mouth was dry. I was floating in complete darkness. Cold. Suddenly I felt a warmth start at my neck and spread through my body, and I faintly felt warm arms pick me up. I struggled to open my eyes and everything around me was blurry. I saw a flicker of green and then I lost all consciousness.


When I woke I was in a room lying on a bed. I was covered in a warm blanket and part of me didn't want to get up, but I sat up anyway, too curious to lay still. The room was well furnished and a large HDTV was mounted on the wall. I noticed shortly after I took in my surroundings that I wasn't alone. A boy who seemed to be 14 or 15 was sitting on the floor and flipping through a thick book. He heard me move and quickly turned around. His eyes were like nothing I'd ever seen. They were the most beautiful hues of green, and they seemed to shift from one color to the next. Emerald, sea green, blueish green. There were too many to name. He stood, his eyes locked on me. He was about 5'7" and his hair was jet-black.

"Who are you?" He asked, his expression neutral and his voice monotone.


I couldn't remember my name.

"Who are you?" He said again, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"I-I don't know...I can't remember..."

He sighed, clearly unhappy with my answer.

"Who are you?" 

"That is none of your concern." He shot me a glare before sighing and clicking his tongue. 

"Well then what do I call you?"

He clicked his tongue again and rolled his eyes.


I bit my lower lip and stood up carefully. I was slightly dizzy but I didn't want to show it.

"I'm sorry if I caused you any inconvenience. I should leave now." My legs were shaky and I lost my balance. 

Before I could fall Damian caught me and helped me sit on the bed. 

"Sorry..." I muttered.

"You are in no condition to leave." He said, letting go of me.

"I'll be fine." I attempted to stand, and this time I was successful, even though I was still shaky.

"Where did you come from?" He asked me.

"I don't remember anything..."

"You should stay here until you are well. You're running a fever and you seem sleep deprived." 

"It's not the end of the world. You look pretty tired yourself." It was true. He had dark circles under his slightly blood shot eyes.

"Fine. If you want to leave, you can leave. But you have to go through there." He smirked as he pointed at the tree outside the window.


"I will." I huffed and made my way towards the window. My knees were shaking and I was dreading the thought of climbing.

I opened the window and swung my right leg over, then my left until I was standing on the branch. I began to shimmy my way down, going slowly so I wouldn't fall ten feet to the ground. The air was freezing and my fingers started to stiffen. When my feet touched solid ground I let out a sigh of relief. Damian was smirking and quickly scrambled down the tree. 

"Go down there and you should be fine." He pointed down the road, and I nodded. He then pulled off the sweatshirt he was wearing and handed it to me. 

"Thanks" I said quietly and started to slowly walk away. After about twenty feet I looked back and he was gone.

(A/N) I don't know why but I really wanted to write about Damian. Part two should be out in the next 20 days. Sorry, but I'm lazy. The next chapter will have a huge time skip. Also because I'm lazy. 

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