General Terms

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Alright, so as I said, this accessible for everyone, so here are some terms so that we're all on the same page.

Ftm: female to male
Mtf: male to female
Nonbinary: an umbrella term for everyone who doesn't fall under the gender binary of male and female
Transmascs: includes ftm and masculine nonbinary people
Transfem: includes mtf and feminine nonbinary people
Body dysphoria: discomfort and distaste for your body due to the discrepancy between your body and your gender
Social dysphoria: discomfort and distaste for being perceived as a gender you are not; anxiety over being perceived as a gender you're not.
Amab: assigned male at birth
Afab: assigned female at birth
T: testosterone
Transman: fucking valid
Transwoman: fucking valid
Nonbinary: fucking valid

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