Some Motivational Shit

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So 2017 is officially the deadliest year for for trans people. How fun.
With 25 of us murdered this year, I thought I'd try to give you some hope for.. Idk, survivial, I guess.

You are not broken. You are not a mistake. You are not inconveniencing anyone with your new name or pronouns. You deserve to live in a world with a body you love and feel comfortable in. You deserve to have your pronouns respected. You are a damn good person who deserves the world. Anyone who says otherwise can personally fucking fight me. You are incredible. You deserve happiness. You deserve to live. I know the world is shit right now. But you need to live. Live for the future generations of trans people who will look up to you. Live so that young trans people don't feel so alone. Live to say "fuck you" to anyone who ever said you wouldn't make it. Live to transiton, if that's something you want. Live so you can add more reasons to live to this list. Live. You damn well deserve it.

Here are the names of our fellow trans people who've been killed this year:
Mesha Caldwell
Sean Hake
Jamie Lee Wounded Arrow
Jojo Striker
Tiara Richmond (also known as Keke Collier)
Chyna Doll Dupree
Ciara McElveen
Jaquarrius Holland
Alphonza Watson
Chay Reed
Sherred Faulkner
Kenne McFadden
Kendra Marie Adams
Ava Le'Ray Barrin
Ebony Morgan
Tee Dangerfield
Gwynevere River Song
Kiwi Herring
Kashmere Nazier Red
Derricma Banner
Scout Schulte
Ally Steinfield
Stephenie Montez
Candace Towns

For more information of their lives:

Please stay alive.

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