Chapter 1

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The sun's rays illuminated my room, dispelling the darkness and filling it with bright light. Today, I felt a sense of laziness, reluctant to wake up and still lost in the memories of my dream. It was a dream about someone unfamiliar to me, but it left a lingering impact on my mind. 

I couldn't decipher its meaning, but there was an odd sensation that I would encounter this person soon.

My train of thought was interrupted by my sister's yawn. We shared the same room and bed, our relationship often resembling that of a dog and cat—sometimes at odds, other times as close friends. We didn't openly display our affection, but our bond was stronger than anything.

As her hand reached out to touch my cheek, I swatted it away and made my way to the bathroom. After taking care of my morning routine, I dressed in shorts and a t-shirt and headed downstairs. My mom was busy cooking breakfast, and I greeted her with a cheerful "good morning, mom." 

She returned my greeting and served me toast and bread. Meanwhile, my sister joined us, dressed in her school uniform. She was in 10th grade while I was attending college. My classes didn't start until 11 am, giving me a couple of hours to get ready.

After finishing breakfast, I went back to my room and packed my bag. I then went downstairs and studied for my Physics test. Exams and tests seemed to dominate my college life, creating a lot of tension. 

While I enjoyed studying, constant exams were not my favorite. I studied for about half an hour before returning to my room to get ready. I put on my uniform and went downstairs again. My mom was still in the kitchen, so I bid her goodbye and headed outside.

My college, UNICOL, was known for its strictness. Makeup, mobile phones, and other accessories were not allowed. We were treated more like children, and violating the rules came with severe punishments. It was a 45-minute journey from my neighborhood, and in the morning, I took a local bus to reach there. In the afternoon, I would walk back home.

Finally arriving at college, I saw students bustling towards their classes. Due to a traffic jam, I was running late and had to rush to my classroom. Luckily, my class was on the second floor, so I didn't have to climb too many stairs, although it still left me tired when I was in a rush.

I managed to reach my class before the teacher arrived, and the periods passed by. I enjoyed the classes as my friends and I had fun together. Eventually, the test began, and I felt confident about my performance.

The rest of my day went on like this, bidding farewell to my friends and walking in the direction of my home. I had to pass through the main road and a street. Usually, I walked home alone, but sometimes I would encounter a boy from my class. 

We didn't talk much, but when we crossed paths, we would walk together. Today, however, I wasn't expecting anyone to join me on the way when a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Hi, Yuwana. How are you?"

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