Chapter 21

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The day has come when my cute, annoying, and lovely sister is getting married. I never imagined that she would be big enough to get married, as she has been my little sis all this time. Seeing her happiness, I forget all my tension and become happy.

Yuron has been happy that his Any is getting married to his best friend, and he wants us to get married too, but it's not possible. By "us," I mean me and Alorn, and Yuron has said it loud enough for everyone to hear. Alorn just smiles and asks him if he would be sad if his favorite girls got married. Yuron answers that he still has one person left—his grandma.

"Yuw, how do I look?" a nervous voice speaks to me. I turn around to see Ania in her bridal attire. She looks gorgeous and stunning. I give her a thumbs up, and she hugs me. "Seems like we were forgotten." A voice comes from behind us, and it's Dad. He looks handsome in his suit, and Mom is at his side, looking extremely beautiful. Mom comes near Ania and hugs her. We all hug together, and Alorn interrupts. "The groom is waiting for the bride." With that, Dad takes Ania to the aisle, and we all follow.

Both Ornald and Ania are looking lovingly at each other, and I can't help but feel jealous of them. They take their vows and kiss each other. Throughout the ceremony, Alorn is holding my hand, and I notice that he is lost in deep thoughts. He smiles like a madman and smirks while I look at him.

The wedding is over, and people start wishing the newlyweds. I receive a message from an unknown person. My heart starts beating faster, and my mind becomes clouded. After taking a deep breath, I open the message. "I want to meet my lady before I meet my son. Come to Scanrland Hotel. I will be waiting for you at 10." I initially wanted to reply that I wouldn't come, but considering his actions, I decide to go.

After greeting the guests, the newlyweds go on their honeymoon, and Mom says that Yuron will go with her. Since there's no problem, I head straight to the hotel. When I enter the reception area, a man is waiting for me. "Welcome, ma'am. The gentleman has been waiting for you. Please follow me." He gestures for me to follow him, and I move in that direction.

The entire walk is filled with anxiety, and I feel nervous. A strange feeling clouds over me. The man stops near a wooden door and gestures for me to go ahead. He leaves after showing respect, and I find myself staring at the doors. After gathering enough courage, I enter the room.

The room is dark, with only candles providing light, casting shadows around the man near the window. At first, I wonder if he's just joking, but I approach him and create some distance when I reach near the window. "I am here, so tell me who you are," I say firmly. "Sounding tough when you're nervous inside. Darling, you couldn't even wait a second to see me. So impatient, aren't we?" His words anger me, and I feel an urge to slap him. Then the lights come on, and the man turns around, revealing his face.


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