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The queen and the king of Ninjago always wanted to have a daughter. One day the whole kingdom learned that the queen was pregnant! Everyone were very happy. After 9 mounts the queen got sick. The king found about a flower in the books. A magic flower-one that cure the queen. The whole kingdom went to search for it. Sadly a woman named Misako hid it so he can use it to make herself younger. One day one of the citizens finally found the flower and gave it to the king. The flower was made on a teen and was given to the queen. She drank it and healed. After that she gave a birth to a beautiful baby girl with the most beautiful white hair and the most gorgeous green eyes someone ever saw, who's name was Harumi. But one night, when the king and the queen were asleep, Misako went to the castle and tried to took some from the baby's hair, but when she cut it got brown and didn't worked. She didn't have a choice-she kidnaped the baby. She locked the little girl in a tower where nobody was going to find her. From this day everyone in the kingdom started searching for the lost princes, but nobody found her. In this time, Harumi grown up in the tower, singing for her mother, so se can be young. Harumi didn't even know. Her mother never let her outside the tower, because she always told her that the outside world is dangerous. Soon was Harumi's 18 birthday and she wanted only one thing...

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