First day

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                     (your pov)

I'm so nervous. It's my first day here at daycare. My mom sent me with my cat backpack with some snacks and other stuff in it. I overheard my mom talking on the phone with someone named Matt. She told him I have anxiety, I'm anti social and I'm really shy, which is all very true.
It was a very pretty place.

I stepped inside and it was even more beautiful. There were two
blue sofas on the left and right walls with side tables beside them and a blue lamp on each one. There was also a desk in the middle with a computer and...ooooooh.. a shiney bell! I walked closer to the desk, then I noticed a man behind it. He had a black inform on and a black hat on top of his brown hair. I froze.

He stood up from his desk and walked around it to where I was. He was really tall, either that or I feel small and weak. "Hello!" He said. His voice was loud, it also had a British accent. I was a little scared. I stepped back as he knelt down in front of me. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." He said. That helped a little...I guess.

"I'll go get the derector, (is that how you spell it?) you stay here little one." He then started to walk down a hall. So I decided to ring the bell. I reached on the desk and tapped the silver top. *Ding*

Then from the hall boomed the scary man's voice. "DONT TOUCH MY BELL!!!" he sounded mad! I screamed and hid behind one of the sofa side desks. My heart was thumping inside my chest and I was shaking. I grabbed my kitten plushie from my backpack and held it tight.  (Picture above)

"Thomas!!! Stop yelling!" I heard someone yell. "Who touched my bell!?!? I heard Thomas say. I closed my eyes and cried into my stuffed cat, afraid of what would happen if he found me. "Hello there." I looked up from my cat and saw another man, a little smaller than Thomas but still tall. He had a red and black plaid shirt and black pants. He also had brown hair.

"You ok?" He asked. His voice was calm. But I still kept my guard up. "The b-bell man s-scares me." I say. "It's ok, he won't hurt you, and neither will I." He put out his hand and I grabbed it. He pulled me out from behind the desk. "I'm Matt, the owner of this daycare. And you are (y/n) correct?" He asked "yes sir" I say "please, call me Matt." He says smiling.

"I see you've already met Thomas...and his bell..." He says. "!!!!" Thomas yells. I hide behind Matt's right leg. "C'mon Thomas... Be nice." Matt says. "Fine" he says. "C'mon (y/n), let's go to the playroom and meet all the other kids." He says taking me through a hallway. "O-other kids?" I ask. "Yep! There all really nice I promise." "Ok" I say. He takes me into what looked like a party room. "Through that door is the playroom. I'll introduce you then you come out. Ok?" He asked "o-ok" I say holding my kitty tighter." Ok, you say here until I tell you to come out." And with that he left.

I could hear him talking. "Ok kids, we have a new student today!" He said. Then everyone started cheering. It sounded like there were alot of kids in there. Then Matt started talking again. "She is very shy and gets scared easily, so be extra nice to her." I heard them all say ok and then he told me to come out, but I couldn't. I was too scared.

So I ran. I ran out of the party room and went right. Then I went around a few corners and around one corner was the playroom. I stood there for a second and listened.

                  (??? Pov)

Matt came in and said that there was a new student here. He looked towards the party room and told the new kid to come out. But no one did. "(Y/n)?" He asked. He walked over to the party room and everyone followed, curious to meet the new kid. But she wasn't anywhere to be found. "Ok, she probably got scared and ran away. Everyone go different ways and find her." Then everyone started to split up.

                 (Your pov)

"Everyone go different ways and find her" they started to split up and I ran as fast as I could and ran down the hall. There was a staircase that went up. I ran up the stairs to the third floor. I ran around a corner and there was a lounge looking area with red sofas. To the left of the room was an auditorium room. "Wow this place is big" you thought. There was a giant stage with curtains and a million seats in the room.

There was also a room to the left of the room. I ran in it and it was a prop closet. There was a giant pumpkin with a hole in the bottom. I put the pumpkin over my head. It was big enough for me to be in it with room still left. The only problem was there was eyes and a nose cut out. So if anyone came in, they could look through the holes and see me.

              (??? Pov again)

Half the kids started checking the first floor and Cookie, Black, Sam, and Kat started checking the second floor. So I decided to check the third floor. I eventually got to the auditorium and got on the stage. I looked around the chairs to see is she was hiding behind one but she wasn't. So I looked through the changing rooms...nope. Then I looked through the prop closet....nope! "Ugh...where could she be!" I yelled. I wanted to be the first one to find her so I could talk to her without everyone crowding around her. Then I heard something. *Achooo* "a kitten?"

                (Your pov)

My plan was to hide in here until the day was over. That's a good plan right? Then I heard the sound of someone running through the halls, then into the auditorium. I didn't hear anything for a while so I thought they left. Until the closet door opened. In came a boy. He looked like he was the same age as me, same hight too but he was a little taller. He was wearing a blue shirt with black lines on it and blue and white sleeves with a gray trim on the end. Along with dark blue pants. He also has brown eyes and brown hair.
Then he yelled, " Ugh...could she be!" He sounded mad like Thomas. I got scared and nervous again. *Achooo* I sneezed. You can't blame me.. it's dusty in here.

"A kitten?" He asked. I admit... I'm half cat, so apparently I sneezed like one. He started looking more carefully. Then he started looking behind stuff and picking stuff up. Eventually he picked up the pumpkin I was under. I held my kitty tight and looked him straight in his brown eyes. "Oh... Hello" he said putting down the pumpkin. "H-hello...please don't hurt me." I say "hurt you? I won't hurt you!" He said. "I'm Ryan by the way." He says" "i-im (y/n)" i stuttered. "Nice to meet you. Let's go back to Matt, he's probably worried about you." He says "ok" I say.

He leads me back downstairs and Matt is pacing back and forth around the playroom. He was the only one there. Then Ryan says " I found her Matt!" Matt looks at us then he bolts to us and hugs Ryan. "Thank you for finding her." He says "as for you..." he looks at me. I start to shake a little bit. "Don't ever run away like that again! You scared me!" He then hugged me. "I'm sorry i worried you Matt" I say. "It's ok. You guys sit down and I'll have the other kids come back."

There were three red sofas In the middle of the room surrounding a glass table. "I did down and Ryan sits next to me. I started to shake again, scared on what the other kids thought of me. "Hey, you ok?" Ryan asked me. "Y-yeah...I'm just really nervous about what the other kids think of me." I say "they'll love you! I was new here once too. I was scared just like you but after I got to know everyone, I liked it here. And you will too!" He says smiling. "T-thanks Ryan" I say smiling back.

"KIDS!!! RYAN FOUND HER!!!! COME BACK TO THE PLAY ROOM!!" He shouted. Then some people started showing up. Then the director introduced me. Then it was nap time. We went to the second floor and went into a room with a bunch of different colored beds "c'mon (y/n), I'll show you a best beds!" He says dragging me up a little ramp. At the top were three beds, me and Ryan got one each. All the other kids got a bed on the ground. I put my backpack down beside me and cuddled up with my kitty. "Goodnight (y/n)." Ryan says yawning. "Goodnight Ryan." I say. And with that, I fell asleep.

I hope you all enjoyed!! bye bye my kitties 🐱🐈

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