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I'm sorry to say this guys but, this is the last chapter! But I might make a book two! I'm not sure yet what to call it, but I may make it. Tell me if you want one!________________________________


He looks at me with fear in his adorable brown eyes.

"I love you." I finish. He looks at me with wide eyes, then he smiles. He closes his eyes and leans in, I do the same. Our lips meet and fireworks went off. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We part for air and we hear clapping. Apparently our boat floated close to the exit and Shark, Sabre, Shadow, Matt, and Blair were waiting for us. We get out of the boat and I pick up Shadow. "Told you." Blair says. "Yeah yeah." I reply. The boys were surrounding Ryan trying to get information out of him.

After a few slides, racing, and splashing, it was time for us to leave. We went back to the vending machine that we came out of and Ryan counted down. "Ten! nine! eight! Seven!....Go!!!!" He shouted. We all ran through. Soon we we're back in the weird black portal and somehow we were now in clothing. We run back to the play room and it was time to go.

"Hey Ryan, Dare ya to ring Thomas's bell." I say. "What!? After he almost slaughtered me, you want me to ring his bell!?" No way!!" He says. "What, you a chicken?" I ask. "No! Why don't you ring it!" He asked. "Because he'll kill me after letting Shadow touching the bell this morning!" I say. "Your stupid cat is why he's mad! It's his fault!" He yells. "Shadow isn't stupid! You are!" I yell. "Yeah? Well your an idiot!" He yells. I felt my heart crack after he said those words. I storm off outside out of anger. I turn around and Ryan is a few feet away from me.

"I wish I never met you!" I spat. Ryan's face fell into sadness. I turn back around and run for home. I don't look back.

I slow down and fall to my knees. I burst into tears as I realize what I had said. Shadow came beside me and rested his paw on my leg. "It's ok, please don't cry..." Shadow begged. I take deep breaths and calm down. "Shadow what have I done!?" I ask. I stand up and start pacing in circles. "(Y/n), calm down you can apologize tomorrow at daycare! I'm sure he'll forgive you!" He says. I take a few more breaths and stop pacing. "Alright...thanks Shadow." I say picking him up and hugging him. "Your welcome!" He says.

I put Shadow on me shoulder as I walk the rest of the way home. When we get there, there was a moving van in the driveway. I started to feel uneasy. I ran inside and everything was gone except for a few boxes. My mom walks up to me and Shadow.
"M-mom...what's going on?" I ask shaking. "Dad got a new job and we need to get down there as soon as possible." She says. That broke my heart into a million pieces. "N-no! Mom I need to say goodbye to everyone at daycare before we go!" I say. "I'm sorry honey, but we can't, we have to go now." She says.

I start to sob. My mom picks me up and puts me in my carseat with Shadow on my lap. I feel the car start to move and I realize something. "M-mom, the r-rose is still at the house, w-we have to get it!" I say. "Call down honey, I have it in a cooler in the moving truck. (B/n) told me it was important to you too I brought it along." She says. I give a weak smile.

I notice a bag sitting next to me. Inside was my stuffed animals, my shark, snake, black cat, and white cat. I pull out the two cats and sit them next to each other. I make them kiss and I smile as a tear rolls down my face.

I look out the window wondering.......

What will the future hold?

The end....for now...
Thank you all for reading my garbage! Should I make a book 2? If so, let me know!

Sorry for a short ending!

Thank you WolfySenpie for following me!

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