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I was watching TV when my brother threw my backpack at me and it hit me in the head. "Ow! What was that for!?" I yelled. "It's time to go to daycare squirt." He said. "Don't call me squirt, shorty!" I say back. "I'm the average hight for a male my age!" He yelled back. I laughed. "Ok, ok. Get to daycare before your late!" He says handing me my kitty. "Ok big bro! See you after daycare!" I say walking out the door. "Bye, don't kiss too many boys!" I hear him yell back. I giggle at his silliness and then I blush thinking about kissing Ryan. Wait!! No....... we're just friends!

I make it inside the daycare and look at the bell man, Thomas, I think was his name. He was asleep. Hmm..... I got an idea! "Bell man!" "Oh, bell man!" I yell. "Huh?" He says waking up. "Mr. Matt yelled for you!" I say pointing to his office. "Oh, ok. At least you're not afraid of me anymore." he says walking towards Matt's office. I wait for him to go inside the office then....


"(Y/N)!!!" he yells. Then I bolt to the playroom. When I walk into the room everyone was giggling. "So, your not scared of Thomas anymore are you?" Ryan asked. "I'm still scared of him...but not as much anymore." I say sitting next to Ryan. Then Matt walked in. "Alright everyone, today we're going through the portal!" He says. Everyone starts to cheer. I was confused. "Wait, portal? What do you mean?" I asked. "Oh thats right, she hasn't seen it yet." Matt said. "C'mon (y/n), we'll show you!" Cookie says running through the hallway. "Yeah! Everyone to the portal!" Ryan shouts.

We all run through the hall to what looks like a garage door. Matt opens it and there's a ramp leading down and into darkness. I gulped. "This thing is the teleporter, it'll take you wherever you want!" Exclaimed Matt. "(Y/n) how about you choose where we go! Just think of somewhere and we'll be there!" Ryan says. "O-ok." I say. Hmmm what should I think of?  Then Ryan counted down and he ran into the portal. And I followed, closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes up and I was amazed. I was in a forest. It actually worked! But where is everyone else? I walked around a little bit and I saw something incredible. It was the waterfall and pond from my dream!

I backed up against a tree and sat down. But....just like in my dream....something is missing...
"(Y/n)?" I look beside me and Ryan is standing there with a twig in his hair. "Ryan!" I yelled. I ran up to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. "Woah...this place is amazing!' Ryan exclaimed. I stopped hugging him and sat back down against the tree, and Ryan sat next to me. "This is the place from my dream." I say. "Wow" he said. I took the twig out of his hair and we laughed.

"I look up at him. He's adorable, with his brown hair, brown eyes, and bright smile. I feel different around him. My heart beats faster and I get butterflies in my stomach. I think I'm falling for Ryan. He looked out at the waterfall. I inched closer to him until our arms rubbed against each other. Then I laid my head on him shoulder and closed my eyes.

I felt him tense up, after a few seconds he relaxed. I felt him wrap his arm around me. I blushed and cuddled closer to him. Soon his breathing slowed and he closed his eyes, he fell asleep. We should probably find Matt and the others, but I don't wanna wake Ryan. So I closed my eyes and drifted off into darkness.

                (Ryan's pov)

I was in some type of forest. What did (y/n) think of? I walked around a little but hoping to find Matt or at least (y/n). After a while of walking, I found (y/n) sitting against a tree. "(Y/n)?" I said. "Ryan!" She yelled. She hugged me and I hugged back. Then I noticed a waterfall falling down into a pond. "Woah...this place is amazing!" I exclaimed. She let go and sat back down.

"This is the place from my dream." She said. "Wow" was all I could manage. She pulled a twig out of my hair. We giggled and I looked back at the waterfall. Then I feel (y/n) rest her head on my shoulder. I tensed up and blushed a crimson red. I look at (y/n) and she had her eyes closed. She was amazing... Her (h/c) hair...her adorable smile... Everything. I relax and wrap my arm around her. I soon fall into a deep sleep.

                 (Your pov)

I woke up and blushed HARD. I was sitting on Ryan's lap and I was cuddling up to his chest. He had his arms wrapped around me and he was still asleep. I didn't want to wake him up so I sat there with my head on his chest feeling his chest rise and fall. Soon he squirmed in his sleep. He must be waking up! I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

*Yawn* "good morning (y/n)..." He whispered. Then he kissed me on the forehead. I felt my face heat up. He kissed me! W-wait.. does that mean he likes me back!? I pretended like I was just waking up. He instantly froze and I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He had his eyes closed, he was pretending to be asleep too. I wanted to make him believe I just woke up so I carefully pushed his arms off of me and crawled off his lap.

I was about to shake him awake, but I got a better idea. I ran over to the pond and scooped some water in my hands. "Wake up Ryan, I know you're awake." I said. He didn't move. "Last chance!" I said. "Alright, you asked for it..."

I dumped the water on his head and he shot up. "COLD!!!!!" he shouted. I fell down on my butt and laughed til I couldn't breathe. I looked up at him and he had the "are you serious" face. I calmed down my laughing and wiped a tear. "S-sorry Ryan...you a-asked for it." I said trying not to laugh again. "C'mon we should look for the others." He said. "Ok" I say grabbing my kitty.

We walked for awhile and we eventually found the others. We went back through the portal and it was time to go home. Me and Ryan said our goodbyes to everyone and we walked out of the daycare. "Hey (y/n) you think we could have a sleepover at your place?" He asked. "Oh sure! I'll ask my brother, I'm sure he'll say yes!" I exclaimed. "Alright! I'll ask my mom." "Ok! bye Ryan!" I said running off. "Bye (y/n)! He said. I ran back home and there was a note on the door.

Dear (y/n),

I went out to the store. I'll be back soon. Don't eat my last candy bar!


When he gets back I'll ask him about the sleepover. I opened the freezer and looked at the rose. Still as amazing as Ryan.


Hope you enjoyed my kittens! Bye! 🐈😺😻🐱

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