Super Heros?

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I'm on my way to daycare and I see Ryan, Sabre, and Shark talking. They had their backs towards me, so I quietly snuck up behind them.

"So you think (y/n) is cute?" Sabre asked Ryan. From behind them I saw part of Ryan face covered in red.

"What about me being cute?" I ask.

Shark jumped in Sabre's arms and they all looked at me. "You've got to stop sneaking up on us." Shark said. "I'm a cat, I'm sly and stealthy, might as well put it to good use!" I say giggling. "Fair point." Ryan chuckles. "Uhmmm.....Sabre.....can you put me down down?" Shark asks. "My new OTP!!!" I yell giggling. "Shut up pablo!" Shark says jumping out of Sabre's arms. "C'mon guys, let's go inside!" Ryan says running inside. We all follow him into the playroom and sit down.

"Ok everyone, today we're going to save some lives, because we're going to be super heros! Let's go!! " Matt yells running to the portal. We all follow and Ryan starts counting down.





"Go!!" Ryan yells.

Everyone falls out of a black tunnel into a big deserted city. "Woah!" I yell. "Omg, look at me!" Sabre yelled. He looked like a half snake half human but... cheese... And he was really quick slithering around.

"Look at me!" Shark yelled. I don't even know what Shark was. His legs were bent backwards and big like a kangaroos legs. He had a giant unicorn horn on his head and white wings. He could jump really high and run a little faster.

Ryan was wearing a white ninja suit with a black belt filled with ninja stars, a few smoke bombs, and a grappling hook. He had a mask that covered his whole face except for his eyes. He also had two katanas on his back.

"What the heck are we wearing?" Matt said. Matt, Misuto, Derp, and Bobby were all dressed in red ninja suits. They all were faster and more stealthy. They each had two daggers and a few ninja stars. Derp also got a chicken sward....

"Wow (y/n)! You look cool!!!" Ryan said. I was confused until I looked down at myself.

(Ryan's pov)

(Y/n) looked amazing. Her suit was all black with a black cat symbol on her chest. Her mask was black with grey Spiderman-like eyes. Her cat ears and tail were also showing!

At first I panicked because the other would see her cat form, but since we're in a super hero dimension, they won't suspect a thing!

(Your pov)

I felt normal, probably because I have the same abilities as whenever in in my Neko form back in our own dimension.

"Ok! Matt, you and your little ninja crew will be the bad guys. Everyone without a suit is a citizen, everyone else, is a hero!" Ryan announced. "Ok, everyone spread out!" Matt told his crew. The citizens ran around the roads, Shark started running around in circles, Sabre started slithering towards the center of the city, and Ryan used his grappling hook and went on top of a nearby building.

I ran into an ally way, used my super jump and jumped onto the one side of the building, then I pushed off and onto the other building. I kept progressing upwards until I was at the top. I ran and jumped from building to building until Misuto stopped me.

I tried fighting him but he kept swinging his daggers at me. I kept backing up to avoid his attacks and I felt my foot go on the edge of the building. Then Misuto kicked me in the stomach and I fell off of the building.

I screeched as I fell. Then something grabbed me. I look up to see Ryan's brown eyes. He hand his arm around my waist and his other hand on his grappling hook. He stopped on a nearby building. "(Y/n), are you ok!?" He asked. "Y-yeah...I'm f-fine." I say, I could feel my face getting hot. Then we heard a scream. We both look over the edge and see Matt attacking Kat. "You going to be ok?" He asked. I nodded and he jumped. I gasped and then he grappled onto another building and swung down to the fight. I let out a breath that did didn't even know I was holding in.

After a while of kicking Misuto's butt, I was getting tired. "Alright everyone, time to go home!!" Matt yelled. We all met up at the dark tunnel. "Alright everyone ready?" Matt asked. I looked around at everybody. But I didn't see Ryan "wait!! Where's Ryan!!??" I ask. Everyone looks around. "Wait everyone be quiet, Ill be able to hear his with my super hearing!" I say. Everyone shuts up and I listen carefully.

At first I don't hear anything, then a hear a very faint, "help..." "I hear him!" I yell. "Everyone stay here, I'll go get him!" I say running off. I listen to where the sound is coming from. I was lead to an ally way where I saw Ryan tangled in some rope. I ran over and used my claws to cut him out.

"T-thanks (y/n)." He said "c'mon, everyone's waiting at the tunnel!" I say. We run back and go back to our own dimension.

"Woo hoo!! That was fun!" Sabre yells. "Yeah!" Shark agrees. Then I look at Ryan and he's pointing to his head. I touch my head and feel my cat ears. I make them go away and for the rest of the day, we play hide and seek.

It was time to go home and me and Ryan were walking together. "Thanks for helping me out back in the super hero dimension." Ryan said. "No problem." I say. "Well I got to get home before my parents worry." He says. "Ok bye Ryan." I say hugging him he hugged back. I don't know why I did it but I did, I kissed him.

Bye bye my kitties! 😺💙

A Rose (ryguyrocky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now