First day (part 3)

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  (b/n) = brother's name


                 (your pov)

I was deep in sleep. I was in a forest beside a little waterfall that was flowing down a few stones then into a little lake. It was peaceful. There was a little family of deer on the other side of the lake. The sound of birds singing filled the air. But something was missing... Something important....something special.....Then I hear the bell man's voice boom all around me.

I woke up from my little nap to see bell man yelling and standing beside me. I sat up and started silently crying and shaking. He looked at me then his expression softened. "Oh no, I wasn't yelling at you." He said. He tried reaching his hand out to me but I ran past him and jumped in the toy chest and closed the lid. I heard Matt yell at the bell man for scaring me. Then he asked Ryan to make sure I was ok.

A second later, Ryan opened the chest. "is the b-bell man g-gone?" I stuttered. "Yes he's gone (y/n)." He says smiling, I smile too. "Thanks Ryan!" I say hugging him. I could feel him tense up so I let go. I went over to the rocky horsey. I saw Ryan blushing as he went back to the sofa.

Then Blair walks over to me. "Hey (y/n)!" She says. "Yeah?" I reply. "You're lucky, you know that?" She says. "Huh? Why?" I ask. "Because Ryan never lets anyone ride the rocky horsey, EVER!" She says. "You must be special." She says petting her spider plush. I feel my face heat up. "S-special?" I think. "Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing. See ya later (y/n)!" She says. Then she walks away, kissing her spider. "Yeah, nothing..." I think.

"Alright everyone, time to go home!" Matt announced. I got off of the horsey and grabbed my backpack. I walked back through the party room and to the front desk where the bell man sits. He wasn't there but the bell was. I stopped and stared at the bell. I felt a shiver go down my spine as I remembered what happened last time I rang it. Then Ryan walks up behind be and puts his hand on my shoulder. I look at him. "Ring it!" He says. "What! Are you crazy?" I ask. "C'mon, it's not that bad! Ring it, then run out the door." He says. "Ok." I say. He runs over to the door and looks at me. I slowly walk up to the bell and reach up to it. I look back at Ryan. He looks at me, then he smiles and nods. Then I gather up all my pride, and...




I hear the bell man yelling, "WHO TOUCHED MY BELL!?!" Then Ryan yelled, "RUN!" I bolted out the door. I looked in front of me but I didn't see Ryan. Still scared of the bell man, I continued to run. Then I got pulled behind the bushes. I look at who pulled me and it was Ryan. "Shhhhhh" he said. He peeked from behind the bush and so did I. Inside, was a very angry bell man. Ryan giggled and so did I. "Great job (y/n)! He doesn't even know it was you!" He says giggling. "Thanks Ryan!" I say. "I should probably start going home." I say walking out of the bush. "Oh, (y/n), wait!" He says. I turn around and he pulled out a rose from behind his back. "I found it when I hid behind the bush." He says handing it to me. I grab ahold of the stem and our hands touch. And I felt myself blush. I looked at the rose in awe. "T-thank you Ryan, it's beautiful." I say still staring at the rose. "Your welcome" he said. His cheeks were dusted with red. "I should probably get going, my mom is probably waiting for me." I say. I look down and my smile fades away. I wanted to stay with Ryan a little bit longer. "Oh, ok. I'll see you tomorrow (y/n)!" He says. "Bye!" I say. We walk our separate ways. "Special..." I whisper.

I made it home and when I walked in, my older brother was in the kitchen. "Hey (y/n)!" He said. He was older than me by 20 years. "Hello!" I say hugging him" "where's mom and dad?" I ask. "Oh, dad's still at work and moms on the business trip for the week." He replied. I had forgot about mom leaving. "Ok (b/n)." I say. "I'll be in my room if you need me." He says walking upstairs. "Ok!" I yell.

I put down my backpack and drag a stool over to the counter. I grab a coffee mug and fill it with water. I carefully set it in the freezer and put the rose in the water.

               (Time skip)

Before bed, I check on the rose. It was a little hard to see it so I dumped the ice on a plate. I look at the rose inside the ice. It looked magical. I set the cup in the sink and put the plate and rose in the freezer again. I lay in bed and replay Blair's words in my head. "You must be special."





Hope you enjoyed my kitties! Stay adorable! 🐈🐱😺😻💙

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