The party

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The girls were upstairs putting on their swimsuits. They were all facing a diff corner so that they didn't have to look at each other. 

April: Either my booty got bigger or my boy shorts got smaller.... 

Tay: Mane you don't care cuz you kno Prince gone like them either way!! 

April: True true.. 

Bri: Mane I need a new swimsuit...mines look so boring!! 

Lauren: You look fine! Stop complaining....the real problem is MY BOOBS R ABOUT TO POP OUT!!!!! 

Everyone except Lauren: WTF?!?!?!?!!??! 

Tay: Girl please. Don't b so freakin' dramatic!! 

*Door Bell Rings* 

Bri: (yells downstairs) CAN ONE OF Y'ALL GET THAT!!!!!! 

Prod: (yells back) SUUUREEE!!!!!! 

*30 minutes later* 

The house was full of teenagers dancing, swimming, talking and just going crazy. Alotta girls were all over MB & of course this made the girls a lil jealous but they were famous & knew how it would get so they didn't worry about it. 

(Tay's P.O.V.)- Mane all these tricks all over my Ray Bae. But whatever, I'm not about to start nun becuz he seems to be enjoying it. UGH!! To think I thought I could be his one & only!! OMG there go my friend Michael. He always cheers me up! 

Mike: Hey Tay! You wanna dance w/ me?? You look sad... 

Tay: Sure. I'm fine but yea let's dance!! 

Mike took her hand and they started to dance to "No Hands" surrounded by all the other dancers. 

(Bri's P.O.V.)- Man all these girls around Prod messing up my mood! Imma make my way outside so I don't be sitting here looking all lonely & desperate. Can't have him thinking that now can we?? 

Bri was walking out the back door and someone grabbed her arm and pulled her back. 

??: Where you going Ma?? 

Bri: *Smiles* To the pool. Just gonna hang w/ some friends that are out there....Prod, you should prob get back to your fan club before they try to scratch my eyes out. 

Prod: *Laughs* They ain't gone do nun (puffs chest out) I will protect you defenseless lady!! 

(Bri's P.O.V.)- This negro! He so adorable.  

Bri: *Laughs* Aiight superman but I still wanna go swim.. Prod: After you. (stands back & holds door open) 

(Lauren's P.O.V.)- Ok now these girls all up on my lil turkey leg ain't gone fly. Shoot hope those niggerettes kno he mines!! Lemme go get some kool-aid before I lose control!! 

Lauren walked over to the food table & got some kool-aid. When she turned around she ran right into her ex-bf Kyndell. 

Kyndell: DANG!! U need to watch where you going bit---Oh heyy Lauren. Just the person I wanted to talk to. I haven't talked to you in a while. 

Lauren: Oh hey Kyndell! You wanna finish that first sentence?? (Crosses arms) 

Kyndell: Nawl see I thought you were someone else because I wasn't really watching where I was going. 

Lauren: (sucks teeth) Uh huh.....excuses excuses! 

??: Heyy Lauren, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to take a walk w/ me. Unless your busy..... 

Lauren: Oh heyy Roc, I would love to go for a walk. (hands Kyndell her cup & starts to leave) 

Kyndell: But Lauren I really need to talk to you. It's kinda important!! 

Lauren: Can't it wait until later?? 

She walked off w/ Roc before he could answer. They went out the front door & started walking down the street. 

(April's P.O.V.)- Ugh this is so annoying that my Prince is over there just laying in that group of girls. Bri & Lauren's guys seems to care about them!! Even Ray is trying to edge his way over to Tay & Mike. I guess he just doesn't like me like I thought he did!! Oooo imma get me some of these chips!!! 

??: April, I have been looking all over for you!! 

April: OMG heyy Chris. U enjoying the party?? 

Chris: Yea. Y'all did y'all thing! This is crazy live!! 

April: Hahah we try! I'm just surprised everybody & they grandma showed up!! 

Chris: Becuz y'all throw the best parties!! DUUUH!! But hey imma go get something to drink you want anything?? 

April: Nahh you go ahead. 

As soon as Chris was out of sight Princeton popped up right beside her. 

Prince: Dang. You know you are one hard girl to find?? But I want you to come with me (grabs her hand) 

April: Ok but let's make it quick. Your fans are gonna notice your gone sooner or later & then come attack me!! 

Prince: Naawwlll your safe. I got you!! *Smiles* 

April: *Smiles* 

They walk out the back door and out beside the lake in Lauren & Bri's HUGE backyard.

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