Prod nd Bri

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(Bri POV: i wonder where Prod is?? o well i might as well go to da kitchen nd be fat)

*Bri goes to the kitchen nd gets herself a big turkey leg nd starts eating*

*Ding dong*


Prod:(POV: why am i so nervous)

Bri:* she opens the door with a big smile on her face but soon gets embarrassed when she realizes that she still has her turkey leg in her hand* Heyy Prod... wait one minute...* runs to the kitchen*

Prod:( omg she fat just like me) Well imma just sit on da couch!

Bri: y im right beside u...

Prod: weren't u just in da kitchen?

Bri: yea iHad to finish my turkey leg nd wash my hands...

Prod: but- nvmnd letz just go

Bri: (chuckles) well aite...(puffs up chest) after you defensless man

Prod:(lol) dtz my line... U GOT JOKES

Bri:All day erday!!

Prod: aite well we should get a move on

(Prod takes Bri to the limo nd does sum gentlemany stuff nd wt not. Now there just ridin round nd getn it(haha had to say it). Bri nd Prod are joking nd tlkn bout their past)

Prod: have u wondered where we goin?

Bri: yea iHav... soo u gnna tell me?

Prod: see here's the thing... u gnna have to wait

Bri: -____- aite u betta hope that iHav mercy on you

Prod: y u say dt(nervous voice)

Bri: cuz ill hav to get Regine on u nd u wouldnt want that

Prod: (Tries to change the subject) Soo... THANK U JESUS.... aw what iMeant was were here... nw close those eyes


Prod: o.0... the suprize envolves fo-

Bri: FOOD (covers eyes nd smiles)

Prod:-_____- (dis chick) Ok nw iShall guide u to the-

Bri: (chuckles) u said SHALL!!


Bri: ok sorry iLl shutup

(Prod guides her to the place without letting Bri fall nd opens da door. Bri sniffs the air nd has a pudding face)


Prod: no no no u gtta wait till were seated

Bri: -______- dis nigga

Prod: iFeel da love

??: Hello my name is Jar- BRIANNA

Bri: HUH?

Jarvier: u dnt remember me?

Bri: Well (tries to turn to prod but looks the wrong way) iDo HAVE A BLINDFOLD OVER MY EYES!

Prod: nd im loving every second of it

Bri: SHUT-TUP! but since iAm BLIND Can u please tell me who u r.

Jarvier(Jar-v-A): it's me Jarvier

Bri: oh hey JARV (tries to give him a hug but ends up hugging an innocent bystander)

Jarv: um Bri ur nt hugging me...

Bri: yes iA- o sorry... how about u just walk to me

Jarv:(gives Bri a tight hug which tenses Prod up but just a lil) so table for two?

Prod: YES! iMean yea

(Prod walks Bri to their seats nd pulls out her chair nd helps her sit down)

Bri: Can iTake this thing off nw?

Prod: oh yea iForgot about that...

Bri: (DIS NIGGA) *takes off blindfold* OMG U BROUGHT ME TO CHEDDARS!!

Prod: Yea Lauren told me dis was your favorite resturant

Bri: yay yay yay yay

Prod: nd u cn order anything off da menu

Bri: u sure bout that?

Prod: yea

Bri: aite

(Jarv comes over and asks what prod wt he wants)

Prod: y didnt he take your order?

Bri: becaus he already knw what iWant

Prod: oh nd hw do u knw him??

Bri: oh yea we used to go wit eachotha

Prod: aw so wt happened?

Bri: Aw he cheated on me ... but iDont like holding grudges so iJust broke up wit him nd moved forward

Prod: aw wel didnt it piss u off a lil?

Bri: it did but that showed me what kind of dude he was nd lik iSaid before iDnt like holdin grudes nd iLike to let da past be da past

Prod: aw aite

(they sit there joking around nd finally Prod's food comes out)

Prod: wait Bri... whrere's your food?

Jarv: Right here

(Jarv comes out with a huge tray of food with: ribs, chicken, dumplins, oysters, fried okra, nd mac nd cheese)

Prod: * mouth wide open* o.0

Bri: U did say iCould get anything iWanted...

Prod: ik (tries to reach for a rib but Bri slaps his hand away)

Bri: nw u knw dts not the way to ask for food

Prod: iSowwy may iPwease hav sum

Bri: NAWL NEY-JER-RO ITZ MINE!! nawl jk u cn hav sum(throws Prod her rib bone)

Prod: Really? *makes a pouty face*

Bri: nawl jk here (hands gives him a chicken leg nd sum ribs)

(they finish eating nd Prod takes Bri home)

Bri: thanks for a great night

Prod: no prob

Bri: *pulls him close nd kissing him* see ya Prod nd thnx again

Prod: *waves bye* bye bae

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