Party part2

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**This chapter shows what happened between each couple**

(Ray's P.O.V.)- WTF who is this negro all on my woman!! Dang this is the time to ask her before he get any ideas!!

Ray: Um Tay, can I talk to you for a second??

Tay: (walks away from dancing w/ Mike) Sure.

They went upstairs into the game room & sat on the couch.

Tay: So what is it you----

Ray: IS THAT GUY YOUR BF??!!! (blurts it super fast)

Tay: y---

Ray: Look Tay I like you A LOT & I wanted to know if you wanna be my girl....(looks away)

Tay: *Smiles* OF COURSE!!! AHH (hugs him super tight)

He wasn't expecting her to hug him and he fell down & she fell on top of him.

Ray: We just get together & you already trying to get some! Freaky ain't it?? *Smiles*

Tay: Lol shut up Ray Bae! *Leans down & kisses him*

Ray: Aw snap I like that. Imma call you Tay Bae! (gets up off floor & helps Tay up)

Tay: You supposed to give me my own nickname not copy mines!! (pushes him playfully)

Ray: I did!! It was my own idea to copy urs plus I think it's cute so take ya nickname & like it!! (Grabs her chin & starts kissing her again b4 she could answer back)

(Prod's P.O.V.)- pressure.....just ask her and maybe she will be estatic. Maybe sad or disgusted or happy......dang I wish I could read minds....ok imma get this over w/.

Bri jumped into the pool & started to swim around it.

Bri: Prod you coming in??

Prod: What? Oh yea. (jumps into pool)

They had a splashing war and finally got tired & just sat down on the rocks on the side of the pool.

Prod: Bri, I wanna ask you something...

Bri: Ok, I'm all ears!! (starts swinging her feet)

Prod: Uuummmm.......this is kinda hard......I....I really like you & when I hang w/ you I get butterflies in my stomach......& I wanted to kno if you wanna b my girl......(keeps looking down)

It's silent for a very long time & he starts to get worried so he looks up & realizes she's smiling at him.

Prod:........What........I mean if you feel that we should just be friends......or you don't wanna be in a relationship right now, that's ok becuz I completely understand.......& I'm sorry----

She interrupted him w/ a kiss. Once they finally broke apart they both had to catch they breath.

Bri: I would love to b ur girl. I can't believe you thought I was gonna say no!! *Smiles* How adorable.

Prod: *Blushes* Whatever...*Smiles*

Lauren & Roc were walking down the street slowly at 1st in silence then they started laughing at stories about when they were little.

Lauren: Negro y would you put yo head in the diaper in the first plc??

Roc: Lol becuz I thought it was a fluffy hat!! Gosh. I kept wondering why they were putting hats on my booty!!

Lauren: Lmao!! DUMBNUT!!


Roc: I gotta ask you something....

Lauren: Shoot!!

Roc: Sooo.....I like you.....I always feel comfortable around you.....& I just wanna kno if you my girl......

Lauren: YES!!!!! (hugs Roc)

Roc: Finally claimed my lil cupcake. (Leans down & kisses her)

Lauren: It's about time my lil turkey leg!

Roc: Dang now I wanna turkey leg!!

Lauren: Ikr but let's head back so ppl won't worry!!

They walked back to the house hand in hand.

(Princeton's P.O.V.)- This is the perfect time......Ok you have asked girls out before so stop shaking........dang man it's not like you making a speech......maybe I should stop arguing w/ myself........Oh yea.....the question...

April: So you enjoying the party..........Prince??

Prince: Oh huh?? Oh yea it's cool!!

April: What's on your mind?? Or is that personal?? You can tell me any----

Prince: You...

April: Huh??

Prince: You asked what's on my mind & it's you.....& I wanna kno if you wanna b my girl....

April: Oh.........HECK YEA!!!

Prince: Thnk goodness.......whew......that "oh" scared me for a sec---

April: (Goes & hugs him) Hahah so sorry I scared you!

Prince: Suure you are! (Leans down & kisses her)

They just stand there for a while hugging then make their way back to the house!

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