Lauren nd Roc

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(Lauren's P.O.V.)- Oh snap Oh snap!! I'm happier than a dog that just got 20 treats & 50 belly rubs. But it's AAALLLL good cuz I'm on a date w/ my fried chicken.

*Ding Dong*

Bri: Lauren gitcho assest down here befo' I beat yo chicken loving booty!!



Lauren: Dis mofo

Bri: *opens door* Hey Roc! awwww look at u SWAGG!!

Roc: IK IK iTry... is Lauren ready?


Lauren: yatch im rite beside u

Bri: aw... iKnew that...*rubs back of her head*... Anyway when is Prod coming to get mi?

Lauren: A quarter till...*looks at watch*

Bri: I was talkn to Roc...

Lauren: Aw makes sence-__-

Roc:(chuckles but stops wen he sees lauren mean mugging him) I Think at about 4 or 5 depends on when me and Lauren get back... So to answer that question the answer is idk

Bri: aw well aite... GT OUT OF MI HOUSE!! ND DONT DO DA GROWN MAN OR GROWN WOMAN!!*stares at Lauren hard because she knows what she does*

(Roc opens da door to da limo, cuz he g like dt nd is a gentleman, nd lets Lauren in first nd then him and they drive off to their destination)

Lauren: SOOOOO...where r weee gooiinnggg???

Roc: omg omg...shhh its a secret

Lauren: -____-

Roc: but on a real note its gnna be awesome i promise

Lauren: aite

(they pull up to their destination but roc tells Lauren to cover her eyes)

Lauren: uh what is it with dudes tellin girls to cover dey eyes...

Roc: dont worry i bout it i wont let u trip or nun like that

Lauren: u betta not or ill let Regine handle you

Roc: whos dt?*gtz a lil nervous*

Lauren: dont worry about it

Roc: anyway... CLOSE DEM EYES!!!

Lauren: aite aite i am... dang u pushy

( they both get out the car walk to the place untill Roc stops them)

Roc: ok open your eyes

Lauren:(POV: omg he brought mi to an animal rescue center...I LOVES MI SUM AMINALS(rugrats moment)) omg Roc *emotionless voice*

Roc: dang iKnew iShouldve took u to dinner dang come on lets-

Lauren: * grabs his arm* NO R U SERIOUS I LOVE ANIMALS THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOV THE SURPRISE!!! COME ON LETZ GO...nd how did u knw i loved animanls

Roc: well ik u lik everything i like so yea

Lauren: -____- really?

Roc: nawl jk iAsked yo sister nd it just so happens that i like them too

Lauren: cool...*pulling his arm*COME ON LETZ GOOOOO

Roc: whoa*almost about to fall*(POV:thank God she likes animals iWas scared for a minute)

(they walked to the center nd as dey walked n they were greeted by the people who ran the place)

*FYI this center is like a zoo slash animal rescue*

??Hello my name is Anne nd iWill be your tourguide and this is one of our interns, Alex, he will be assisting mi today

Alex:(waves nd smiles at Lauren) nd what r yalls names??

Lauren:(she was flatered nd smiled but in a friendly way) well mi name is Lauren

Roc:(sees whats goin on nd gtz a lil jelous) Nd my name,HER BOYFRIEND, is Roc * hugs Lauren tight*

Anne: anywho letz go on with our tour...

(they began to walk nd talk about the animals they saw nd then they came to the point where they see puppies nd Lauren sees a dog that looked just like her old one before it died.(a white pomeranian with green eyes) Roc sees Lauren getting teary eyed at the dog nd excuses himself to go to the "restroom")

Alex:(sees lauren alone nd tries to make a move) wheres roc?

Lauren:*sniffles* oh he went to the restroom

Alex: aw thats nice( tries to scoot closer but hears Roc calln Lauren)

Roc:(has something behind his back) LAUREN I GOT A SURPRISE FOR U...!!

Lauren: (wipes some of her tears) What?

Roc: (pulls the puppy from behind his back) Say hello to this lil fellow...

Lauren:(her eyes filled up with tears nd ran to hug Roc) OMG ROC DID U GT HIM FOR MI???

Roc: NOPE... Jk yep just for u

Lauren: OMG THANK U...this is the best gift anyone has eva gotten mi

Roc: no prob bae

(so they leave out nd go to the limo untill Roc breaks da silence)

Roc: so r u ready to tellme what happened between u nd Kyndell??

Lauren:(she was quiet nd thinkn) well it all started in the begining of 9th grade...(the rest will be told in a later chapter)

Roc: wow dtz an epic story... but can iAsk u a question?

Lauren: u already did... but u cn ask another(chuckles)

Roc: -___- anyway... Do iHave to beat dt nigga Kyndells ass??!!!

Lauren:(POV:o.0)PWAHAHAHA... nawl iHandled dt nigga nd set him straight

Roc: good

(the limo drove her home... before Lauren gets out the car Roc asks for a kiss)

Lauren: aite u wnna kiss close your eyes(Roc closes his eyes nd Lauren letz da puppy lick his lips)

Roc: eww really Laur

Lauren: nawl jk(they start makin out until the puppy licks their faces) aite night nd thnx

Roc:night nd see ya

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