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Pic of Katie!!!

Just a side note, Logan will be appearing in like...the next chapter...if not Chapter 3 or 4.

So enjoy!



The dismissal bell for class rang throughout the studio, and the students, one by one, curtsied to me before leaving the room. They either had another class after this one, or they were going home. I was going home because this was my last class of the day.

I took off my sneakers, and replaced them with my other shoes. As I left the small studio, Lea, the manager, stopped me.

"Hey, Katie!" she happily greeted. "You going home?"

"Yes ma'am," I said, taking a sip out of my water bottle.

"Do you have a minute?" she asked.

I shrugged and walked closer to her.

" best friend's agent got news from her sister, that she found out from her boyfriend that some boy band is looking for a choreographer," she explained.

"A boy band?" I questioned.

"Uh-huh. They're looking for someone young and fresh on the scene, because they want to appeal to girls like you."

I shook my head. "I don't know, Lea..."

"Aw. Come on! Isn't this what you've been looking for since you got here?

This could be your big break!" she exclaimed, searching for something in her desk.

I dropped my water bottle in my bag. "What boy band is it?" I asked.

Hey, I at least would like to know what posers I'd be working for.

"I think it's--"

"Is it One Direction? I think I can handle that--"

"Nope. Even better. Big Time Rush," she answers, still searching for something. Then she pulls out a piece of paper, and hands it to me. "Here's all the details. Obviously you're going to have to audition, but that'll be a piece of cake. There's also an interview, because you are going to be working with people, so you'll have to prepare for that as well."

I skimmed the white piece of paper and sighed. Big Time Rush? Are you kidding? I'm pretty sure Miranda would want this job. But Lea thought of me and that's really sweet. I think if I were to say no, then that would just be rude, and I could say goodbye to any opportunity she comes across. Lea's a good friend anyways.

"I'll think about it. Thanks though."

"No problem. I really hope you make your decision soon, because it's this Saturday," she said.

This Saturday? How am I supposed to prepare for an audition and an interview in three days? Is that even possible? I mean, I guess it can be done. I just don't think I'll succeed.

I forced a smile because I know Lea's schedule is packed, and she's just trying to help out.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." I waved as I left the building. I heard her say goodbye too, but she knows I know.

I walked up to my hunk of junk, and unlocked it. As I stepped into the vehicle, I prayed that the car would start, because some days it works and other days it doesn't. I can't fix it because I'm struggling to pay rent as it is, so as long as it's getting me places, I'm okay. Although, it would be nice to drive a Honda or something, because in L.A. everyone has a fancy car. I just look out of place with my 2003 Hyundai Sonata.

Dancing With A Star {A Logan Henderson FanFiction}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant