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Hey there rocking Rushers!

I'm not going to pretend that I didnt go MIA.

You're probably getting really tired of my apologies, and I dont blame you. But I honestly had such bad writer's block but now I'm ready to rock and write!! I have some amazing plans for this story, including an idea for yet another story! So stay tuned!

Now please enjoy!❤



"So..." Logan started, stirring his coffee. He ordered a regular cup of joe. I don't understand how people can drink black coffee -- it's so bitter.

"So...? I'm guessing you wanna talk about, you know," I said.

"Yeah. That." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "What even happened?"

"I have no clue. I woke up with a major hangover."

"Heh. Me too," he answered. "I guess we had a little too much." He sipped thoughtfully out of his cup. Then his eyes went wide. "You don't think we...?"

I almost chocked on my coffee. I grabbed a napkin and cleaned the corners of my mouth. Did we? Surely I would remember that...

"No," I said, but not even I sounded believable. "I mean, I don't think so."

He sighed like he was carrying something. "The bottom line is, is that I want to make sure you're okay and that we are okay."

He cared? That's actually...really sweet. Sure it's the right thing to do, but he didn't have to do it.

"I'm okay," I told him. "As for us? We...we're good."

His cheeks were still red from all the dancing. He smiled his goofy smile and sipped more of his coffee. "Good. Well I should be heading out. I'm planning to meet my sister."

"Yeah. Me too," I said, getting up. "Not that I'm getting my sister, cause I don't have a sister. It's just that I have to get going too."

Logan looked at my quizically before flashing a smile and laughing. "I'll see you around." And then he was gone.

Why was yammering? I never yammer. Never.

But that was besides the point. At least Logan and I settled everything and now we can move on with out lives. Sooner or later the media will die down and people won't even remember it even happened.

2 months later

"So I was thinking," Carlos began, " pizza and mozeralla sticks."

"Do you have any idea how nany calories that is?" I responded.

"Says the girl who's downed eight slices of Hawaiian pizza," James countered.

"It was a dare!" I defended. And I don't loose dares. Well, it was either that or drinking water out of Kendall's shoe.

"I'd hate to ruin this," Mr. Edwards interrupted, "but you have auditions to run. Chop, chop! Times is money!" Mr. Edwards left the room and opened the door to announce that the auditioners could come in.

More than 100 of young girls no older than me came in. Some looked overlyexcited while others seemed as though they were going to hurl any minute.

I got out of my seat and stood in front of the vast group of girls. Blondes, even obviously fake ones and brunettes, even fakers.

"Welcome. You're all here today because of you lucky ladies will get to dance on BTR's national tour. Now the--"

"I'm so sorry I'm late," a blondie who was my age called out as she walked in. There was something familiar about her, and when she came closer I knew exactly who she was.

"Diana," I said between pressed lips.

Instead of mocking me or rolling her eyes, she smiled, handed me her resumé, and took a place in the front. Right so I can see her.

I bit my tongue and continued, "The first round will consist of the usual improv. In the second round you'll be paired with a guy so we can see how well you'll work together, and the last is an interview by the five of us." I looked around from face to face. "Any questions? No? Then let's dance."

By the end of the first round we had cut down to fifty girls. Sadly, the boys liked Diana, so she made it to the second round.

When it was time to partner up we did it by height. As soon as Diana's group came in she went straight to Logan. She wasnt wrong, she wouldve been with him anyways. I let it slide, but I knew she was trying to undermine me. I just had to get the guys on my side, which was going to be hard since she was one of the best.

They did the routine and the girls danced great, but Diana was making it sexier than it had to be. Obviously Logan didnt mind much, but, unfortunatley, I did. I didnt let it show though, and I focused my attention to the rest of the girls.

Once it was the third round, we had cut the list to eight girls, including Diana. After we interviewed them all we discussed it together as a group. We had settled on three girls, but we needed one more.

"Well, I really like Diana MacDonald," Logan said, picking up her resume.

"Of course you do. She was practically dry humping you," I said, snatching the resume from his hands.

The boys chuckled and Logan's cheeks turned rosy.

"And besides, she was late. Its very unprofessional," I added, handing them a resumé of a girl that was pretty good. "I think we should go with Ashley. She was on time and was very good."

"Yeah, but you have to admit Diana was better," Logan said, looking to his friends for support. They all muttered words of enthusiastic agreement and soon it got a little louder.

I know she has something planned for me; it may sound a little vain. She still thinks Toby cheated on her with me. And from what I heard from Toby she can be hold a grudge.

But if I say no to the guys they'll realize I have some personal issue with her and then I have to explain...

"Okay fine!" I broke their chatter, taking my pen and signing the back of her resumé. "Diana it is."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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