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Enjoy! :)

P.S. Does anyone watch The Vampire Diaries?



The interview wasn't as nerve-racking as I thought it would be. They were really nice and they asked simple questions.

Why do you want this job?

Do you work well with people?

How long have you been dancing?

What's your alma mater?

All of them were easy questions. At least to me.

When I got home with Miranda, it was around noon. We already ate so we lounged around, ate some Oreos and watched The Vampire Diaries reruns. We were in the middle of Elena professing her love for Stefan, when I got a call.

My heart started to race. I thought it was the people from the audition, but it was Toby.

"Hey, KateKate," his perky voice spoke.

"Hey, Toby," I greeted, "what's up?"

"Eh. Nothing really. I just wanted to ask you about your audition. Were you bad-ass?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "I think I was."

"That's all I need to hear." I could sense him smiling.

"You know you can always come over and speak to me face-to-face?"

I heard him chuckle. "And watch..." He stops. "What're you watching?"

"The Vampire Diaries..."

"I'm good," he said. "Call me if the audition people call you or something."

"Okay...I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, bye."

I hung up and sat back.

Miranda bit into the Oreo. "Who was that?"



Then the house phone rings. Miranda's eyes met mine and she raised her eyebrows. I rose from the couch and she followed me to the kitchen. There was a slight possibility that it was the audition people calling me for the job. They asked for a number that I would most likely respond to, so I put down my cell number and the house number.

I picked up the black handheld and read the caller I.D. It was Unknown.

"Answer it!" Miranda whispered harshly as if someone might overhear.

"What if it's not them and I got happy for nothing?!"

She groaned and snatched the phone from my hand and pressed the answer button. I tried to wrest it away from her but she pushed me away with her free hand.

"Kaitlyn Ferguson's assistant, how may I help you?" she greeted the caller with the sweetest tone.

"Miranda!" I growled.

She ignored me and her blue eyes were wide open. She was smiling like crazy and handed me the phone. "It's for you."

I stood frozen, the only thing moving was my arm as I reached for the phone.

I gulped loudly. "Hello?"

"Kaitlyn? This is Mr. Edwards from the Big Time Rush audition," a familiar English accent spoke.

"Oh. Um...good afternoon, Mr. Edwards. How are you?"

"Just swell, Ms. Ferguson. I was just calling to inform you that after a thorough examination of all the applicants, my colleagues and I believe that you would be an excellent fit for this position."

I almost dropped the phone, but I caught it just in time. I was inarticulate. Was this real life?!

"Ms. Ferguson, are you still there?"

"Yes!" I responded. "I'm just...speechless! Ha. Thank you so much!"

"Ha-ha. It was a pleasure," he chuckled. "Now. I was wondering if you could start tomorrow, because we are in a bit of hurry to start practicing. You see, the music video is in two months and if that goes well then there is a possibility that we can go on tour."

"Oh yeah. Of course. I can't wait!"

"Splendid! I'll email you the practice schedule that we created. If there is any conflict then you just give me a call, okay?" he explained.

"No problem. I'll talk to you soon."

I pressed end and put it in the holder. Miranda's eyes were brighter than ever as she stood there, her arms crossed.

"This is awesome," she squealed. "We have to celebrate!"

"I'd love to, but I need to wake up bright and early," I wearily said.

"Ugh. No fun," she groaned. " have to look pretty for four hotties tomorrow."

I scowl at her.

"What? You can't say they aren't hot. I mean, they're Big Time Rush," she stressed.

They were hot. What girl wouldn't want to see guys in muscle shirts, trying to dance? But this was strictly business. I'm not going to let their charms and good looks lead me on. Just imagine what would happen if I fell for a member of a boy band. I'd be the laughing stock of the dancing community, and if the relationship wasn't controlled, I'd never be hired!

"It's just business," I told her. "I'll see you in the morning."

"You say that now. Trust me, you'll be thinking more than just business tomorrow morning!"

"Goodnight," I ignored her, which just caused her to laugh.

Yep. It's just business.


It's not my best, but it's something!

Sorry for the wait! I'll try to update It's Hard to Hate You too.

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