Chapter 7

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It had been a while since Midoriya enjoyed a day like this.
He felt like it as been so long since he felt some warm in is heart.
He had the company of Todoroki all day. The past weeks were so cold, lonely and...dark. But now that Todoroki was by his side, he felt kind of relieved.
It was now way past noon when they headed to eat will Midoriya's mom. Shoto helped Midoriya to get on his feet and they got in the kitchen in no time. The food was smelling good, and the boys, particularly Midoriya, seemed excited to finally eat. Midoriya wasn't so enthusiastic in the thought of eating in the past weeks, but now, he felt so happy, that even the thought of eating was great. They ate all together, talking and laughing. They even ate the cake Shoto bought not so long ago. When they were finish, Todoroki helped with the dishes before helping Midoriya going back into his room. They talked a bit before Midoriya began to yawn.

"Are you tired?" Asked Todoroki

"No I'm fine. We don't need to go to sleep yet. Let's talk more, it's only 7 pm." Midoriya responded with a smile. Even if he was, indeed, tired. But he didn't want to end the beautiful day he was having.

"You were up all day Midoriya. You moved a lot today. Your body is probably very tired too."

Midoriya didn't respond at the second this time. He knew Shoto was right. He had being awake all day. His body was hurting him more than ever. Midoriya sighed before saying:

"I see....You're right. I'm sorry. I don't want to make you sleep that early either.." He said looking down.

"It's alright. I don't mind. You want to change clothes?" Todoroki said, heading to midoriya's closet.

"Actually, I'll do it myself, you can go change too." Midoriya said, also getting up.

Todoroki nodded and went back to his backpack, getting out a white shirt.

"You're going to change here?" Midoriya asked

"Do you mind me?" Responded Todoroki, looking back at Midoriya.

"I-I mean, no! I was just wondering..." Said Midoriya, looking away.


Todoroki proceeded to take off his shirt when Midoriya's eyes drifted away to see Todoroki's bare chest. Midoriya was all red. Shoto had noticed.

"Are you okay...?" Asked Todoroki, putting his white shirt on.

"O-Of course!" Midoriya shouted turning back to search randomly in his closet.
Midoriya felt all warm and his heart was beating fast.
"What's wrong to me...?" Said Midoriya to himself.

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