Chapter 3

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"Dinah,why the fuck aren't you answ-",a raven haired woman barged into the dorm looking at her phone,but stopped when she looked up and saw Dinah and another girl jumping up from the couch,cuddled up previously.

"Lauren,what the fuck have I told you about knocking!",Dinah exclaimed loudly,"you scared the crap out of me".

"Ohh la-la Dinah Jane",Lauren wiggled her eyebrows,"I would've knocked if I knew you had a girl over",she grinned teasingly.

"Oh shut u-"

Normani cleared her throat,"I'm Normani,Dinah's new roommate" she extended her hand to Lauren.

Lauren side eyed Dinah and smiled at Normani,"I'm Lauren,as you may have heard,nice to meet you."

"You too",Normani smiled.

"Aye and I was hopeful for my friend here,she really needs to get it on if you know what I mean",Lauren winked.

"Lauren!!!",Dinah shouted embarrassed by her statement.Especially because it was in front of Normani.

"Yup,that's me.",the raven haired woman said calmly.

Normani laughed at their interaction,Lauren was very straightforward and confident.She watched them bickering for a few seconds before deciding she should leave them alone to let them discuss what Lauren needed.

"I'm gonna go ahead and take a shower,if that's okay with you two?",Normani asked.

Dinah turned to the dark skinned girl,softening her gaze,which Lauren noticed and smirked at.

"Of course Mani,there are some fresh towels in the cabinet next to the bathroom.Tell me if you need anything else."

"Thank you",she smiled and made her way to said place.


"You totally have a crush on her!",Lauren exclaimed.

She imitated Dinah's gaze at Normani that she caught earlier.

"Of course Mani",Lauren pouted and mocked her.

The Polynesian wasn't having it with the girls teasing ,so what if she had a crush on her,she thought.

"Whatever,what did you even barge in here for?",Dinah asked trying to get Lauren's attention of off teasing her.

"You seriously forgot?",Lauren asked surprised,"We promised Ally and Shawn that we would accompany them to dinner tonight."

"Oh fuck",Dinah exhaled as realization hit her. "Give me fifteen minutes and I'll be ready."

"That's all the time you've got,actually",Lauren laughed,"Go."

Dinah hurried into her room to pick out an outfit.

She decided on dark jeans,a simple white shirt with a white blazer over it and white sneakers to compliment it all.She walked into the bathroom as she was putting her hair in a simple but clean ponytail,completely forgetting that Normani was in there showering.Normani was stepping out of the shower as Dinah barged in and quickly ran out when she saw the dark skinned woman.

"Sorry Normani!!!",Dinah screamed cringing at her stupid self.She ran into the living room embarrassed hearing a quick "It's okay" coming from the bathroom.

"Lets go before I embarrass myself further",Dinah told Lauren already half way out of the dorm.

"Wait,you need to tell Normani where you are going,"she'll be confused as to where we are and it would be rude too".

"Ohh so now you're polite",Dinah squinted looking at Lauren remembering how she talked about her in front of Normani.

"She's a nice girl",Lauren shrugged.

"Okay fine",Dinah went back to the bathroom and knocked lightly,"Hey Mani,Lauren and I kind of have to be somewhere,so I'll have to leave you alone here,you okay with that?",she said loud enough for Normani to hear her.

The door opened and revealed the dark skinned girl in just a big yellow towel wrapped around her,that was Dinah's favorite towel too.

"Oh sure,I'll stay here",Normani told her,confused as to why Dinah looked so dumbfounded.

"Um",Dinah cleared her throat,"here is your key,well my key but now your key too an-",Dinah started rambling,"okay bye."

Dinah turned around,grabbing Lauren by the hand on her way and storming out.

"See you later",Normani shouted smirking before she heard a door close.

"I need a drink",Dinah told Lauren,making her laugh.


Chapter 3 is upppp!Enjoy! :D

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