Chapter 9

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It was almost midnight and they still had an hour before they reached the lake house,they didn't talk for most of the drive,they just enjoyed each others presence while listening to the radio in Dinah's 2015 Honda SUV.

Tory Lanez's 'Say It' came on and Normani turned up the volume,Dinah was left stunned when she heard Normani's angelic voice singing the lyrics.

Dinah didn't dare to stop her,she just continued to drive and listened.

"You're an amazing singer",Dinah said as she turned down te volume after the song was finished.

"Thank you,I always wanted to be one growing up",Normani stated,reminiscing about her childhood.

"Why didn't you?",Dinah wondered,she definitely has the talent.

"I found more passion in dancing and gymnastics later down the line",Normani still enjoyed it and she planed to continue dancing when the school year starts.

"You're beautiful,kind and loving,you can cook,you make the best hot chocolate,you dance,you I might as well marry you now.",Dinah half joked.Normani really was the whole package.

"Here I am thinking that I'm rushing everything and you already want to marry me",Normani laughed,blushing at Dinah's multiple compliments.

"What?Don't act like you don't know that you're amazing",Dinah gushed about Normani like a little fan of hers.

"Yeah,I'm great",Normani replied full of sass,"but you're not so bad yourself",she added.And she really ment it.Dinah was a family type,she definitely knew how to cook,she is too good for her own well being,and she can sing too.

"Of course I am,I'd date myself,I'm cute",Dinah joked with Normani.

"Yes you are",Normani agreed with Dinah,too cute."But I also know that I'm not the only one who can sing,I heard you belting out Mariah Carey songs in the shower".Dinah was so talented,she wondered if the blonde girl knew how amazing and strong her voice is.

"I had my go at a music career,I even released a few songs",Dinah told Normani as she was trying to find her first CD she recorded in the glove compartment.

"Are you going to play them to me?",Normani asked excited.

"Hell to the no,you can just look at the CD,I'm not going to embarrass myself by playing you those songs.",she handed the CD to Normani while looking at the road ahead of her.

Normani looked at the track names,there were four tracks on the CD and the cover was of dinah appearing to dance.She had a big smile on the cover and big curly red hair.

"An icon",Normani joked which earned her a little slap on the thigh from Dinah.

"Shut up,I was fifteen in that picture.I didn't know crap about anything",Dinah laughed,still keeping her hand on Normani's thigh.

"Did you write these songs yourself?",Normani asked,Dinah mentioned in the past that she loved to write.

"My good friend from back at home helped me write 'All 2 U' and he produced 'This ones for you haters' but I did all the work on 'No Rush' and 'Dancing like a white girl'.",she loved producing and writing but gave up when it didn't reach success.

"That's amazing.You're really foolish if you think that I'm not going to steal this CD and listen to it in secret",Normani said it in a joking matter but she really wan't kidding.

"You can definitely try,but you have to get past me first",Dinah said trying to appear serious.

"Oh really?I'll bring your defenses down in less than three minutes",Normani gave Dinah a challenging look,she knew where this was going.

"Try me",Dinah looked away from the road for a second to say those two words to Normani's face.

Dinah has no idea what she has gotten herself into.

"Is it hot in here or is that just me?",Normani asked as she unzipped her hoodie to reveal her toned stomach and her bathing suit that Dinah told her to wear.

Dinah tensed up,she knew that it wasn't going to lead to anything,Normani was just teasing her but she was still nervous as hell.
Normani didn't even have to look at Dinah to know how choked up she was at the moment,Dinah's hand grabbing her thigh harder than before was enough evidence.

Normani carefully traced patterns on Dinah's situated hand,spelling things like "tease","hot" and "sexy" on the top of her hand with her fingers.

She placed her hand on top of Dinah's and she moved her hand up to the edge of her shorts.Dinah's hands were now closer than ever.Her fingers almost touched Normani's inner thigh and Dinah felt her blood rushing in her veins.

She broke her defenses so quickly that she made Dinah feel weak minded.I mean,who could resist her anyway?

Just as Normani was going to try something else to make Dinah tense up even more,they heard a police siren signaling them to pull up.

Normani sighed,someone is always ruining their fun.

She quickly zipped up her hoodie and composed herself as Dinah took her ID and driving licence out of her pocket.

A few seconds passed before a female officer knocked on Dinah's window and she pulled it down.

"Is there a problem officer?",she asked the rather short brunette officer.

"No,not really,you can put your drivers licence and ID away",the officer spoke as she leaned on the edge of the car door,and Normani looked at her shocked.

"Then wh-",Dinah was ready to ask but was interupted.



I really appriciate all of your comments on the fic,I love reading them.Thank you as always.💕

Enjoy another chapter lovelies! :)

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