chapter one

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A book written by liza edwin
Welcome our dear wattpad lovers!...
the book *LOVE ME* is written with a sweet mind of ideas all together.....
Don't forget to comment ,vote and share😘...

And also this book has some grammatical me I am so sorry for that!..I sleep during English classes😂...but I will try to edit it, with the best I can and also feel free to comment on any...enjoy!

I am never going to deceive
you....i even dye My hair
blond for you....i can be your
justin bieber

jay park:me like yuh




Wow it is six am already. I  was supposed to be at work. by five am due to the fact that my boss transferred his company to his son. Simply because he is  aging. I a twenty seven year old worker, was a part of the Accounting team in one of the biggest company in L A..SURVEX.

SURVEX was a very huge company that
I always dreamed of working at. I got so excited when I applied, for the job, and got it. Since then my whole life changed. I was able to care for My family, and myself without worries.

We recently got the news, that the company has been transferred to The son of the wealthy owner of the company.

We the staffs were supposed to arrive as early, as five am, but my alarm hit by six am. dammit I am late, and  I quickly rushed into the shower.


I was feeling super excited, on My
first day at work. My dad sat me down, to talked all night about his success story.

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