chapter nine

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*chapter nine*


OK! remind me why exactly I am working in this company called SURVEX. I really regret the very first day I dreamt of working here . like I wasn't expecting such a foolish punishment. I got to his office as early as I could, so he could actually reconsider and pardon my evil deeds. are they actually evil? Whatever!.
But when I got there, I was surrounded with guys, handsome ones to be precise!
But not as my boss. All three of them stared at me , I found the situation really awkward .because I wasn't expecting it at all. what kept me perplexed was,"when he asked what I was doing in his office!, like who on this freaking earth forgets stuffs that happens an hour earlier. My thoughts about the company he was having were," maybe just maybe they were his friends , because I was pretty sure, "when I was about coming in , I heard laughter and noise from the office. Who knew handsome guy had friends.

"After I got the shocking news,about this whole punishment stuff, I quickly left his office".

"Like I really need a good reception, do you understand?". Stupid peter!What am I? A receptionist! Peter needs a piece of my mind ! And I make sure he gets it. Like isn't that Rose kind of job, like I mean she is his PRIVATE SECRETORY or probably the work of his body guards and people you can call slaves. The last time I checked, that wasn't what I applied for.

Wait a minute! I just called him peter for the first time ever. I guess it is because" i am so angry . like i mean try pronouncing the name peter in an angry tone, it sound like crap "peeetteerr, pppeeettteeerr, peetter.
trust me it really does.

ELLA, ELLA! "I heard a voice scream my name". who shouts a lady's name in that manner!, can't I get back to my office quietly. What is it! I screamed to the voice behind me .

I quickly turned back to see the mother fucking human being. OK! take that back! Like I mean the mother and the fucking. Just keep it cool with human being, because I wasn't expecting this human in front of me.

He looks so handsome! And he looks familiar!..oh! I guess he was part of Peter's friends . Are you alright? .He asked me . with a very charming expression. I am fine ,why?" I replied".

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