chapter eleven

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This chapter only contains Ella's POV....


              * chapter eleven*

"Peter! you can have a seat now!". 'Mr Lukas Andrew said to his son'. Who has been standing for hours , perplexed.
'Apparently,peter has been staring at me lost in words. Probably contemplating on what his father meant, by me being a life saver.

"I was on my way home" . I freaking applied for a job at SURVEX for the past five months now . But I had not received any news or response that I had been granted the job.

'It must be SURVEX. It has to be SURVEX. "I muttered to myself". Even though I haven't received any news from them , I will definitely wait. I will wait till they consider me for the job. Simply because I always dreamed of working there .

The road was so busy. There was some serious traffic jam. Apparently, Mom called , saying I need to get home as soon as possible. I have been going to the SURVEX building, checking the place out and hoping to get a job there.

Everywhere was so noisy. Impatient drivers kept on complaining about the traffic jam. I stared at my window, I noticed some group of men entering an elderly man's car, Apparently they forced their way into the man's vehicle .

I could tell in no time , something was wrong. I couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the vehicle ,because of the tinted Windows. The car looked extremely expensive, so it was pretty much obvious this man was rich. "I mean you can hardly see people without a wealthy status have a ride in that car".

I was so inquisitive. I needed to find out what was going on, in there. Apparently no vehicle was moving in any of lanes . Yep! It was one serious traffic jam. I kept on saying to myself." Ella! You need to help out...what if this man was really in a big trouble. Yes! I must help out. Even though it is just gonna be me and some freaking group of men. I have been training with my older brother on becoming a ninja. So things may work out. Just in case this guys try anything funny to the elderly man.

I think , I am the only one noticing what is going on. Everyone is so busy , The cops who were in charge of taking care of the major road are very serious in taking care of the traffic jam, Drivers are frustrated and some even complaining. OK! So , I guess it is up to me.

I strode out of the cab which I was in. My gosh! I have wasted some time thinking about my so called ninja skills. I hurriedly marched towards the vehicle, And observed the driver (which was the elderly man). He kept his head flat on the drivers wheel. At least I tried my best to view what was going on inside his car. I also noticed the men were gone. Good job Ella, You wasted time thinking of your skills! Now those guys have fucking escaped.

What should I do now? I knocked at his window, but no reply came from him. I kept on hitting his window, trying to make my presence known, but no response came from him. Is he dead? " I asked myself". Well ! There is only one way to find out.....

I tried forcing my way through the door of his car. But thank goodness the car wasn't locked , so I was kinda happy. He was covered in blood , The man was soaked in blood. I noticed all the hidden parts of the car was broken. Files scattered all over the place. I could mostly see files partaking to the SURVEX company. " Could this man be working at the SURVEX?...... This guys were probably looking for money or something valuable to take from him". I thought to myself.

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