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Blood. There was blood all over the ground. Next to the blood, the broken armor of the red paladin lied covered with dust and a dark red liquid. There was also the dead body of a big purple monster. It had part of his neck ripped apart and its blood was spreading all around it.

None of the paladins notice the creature. They could only see the broken suit.

A little and cracked "no" left lances' lips. Hunk let go a quiet sob and pidge just stayed there covering her mouth with a horrid expression. Everything was wrong now. They stood there, just with the company of the silence nobody dared to break.

No one new how much time had passed but lance finally spoke up.

-We should go and find Shiro. He... He might have survived, maybe he was luckier...

-We have to do something with this.- Pidge said while she dried her silent tears and pointed the armor.

This time was hunk the first to react. With the help of a rock, he caved a hole big enough to place the red paladins belongings. Pidge helped hunk while lance picked up Keith's armor and cleaned it.

"It shouldn't have to be you, mullet. You were a silly hotheaded idiot but still... you were the best pilot. The best pilot ever, mullet. With whom am I going to argue now?? You should be here instead of me..." lance cried while he got on his feet and walked over to his friends and buried everything.

-May I say something?? - Hunk asked with a small voice after some minutes of crying.

-No... he was not the type who would like a formal good bye. He was such a stubborn idiot heh. - Pidge said with a sad smile and big hot tears running through her face.

Lance walked emotionless over the dead alien to find the floor full of footprints and scratches; he could no longer think about Keith... it was so painful... "It seems that two different creatures fought here..." Pidge soon was next to Lance, cleaning her reddened eyes. She had one of her inventions and was analyzing the foot prints.

-These... these are galra.-she said looking to her friends with wide-opened eyes.

-It can't be!! -Lance said worried.

While Lance and pidge were talking about the situation, the options they had and stuff, hunk walked around the area; maybe he could find some more clues or come across something useful. "Who knows what I can find?"

He never thought he would find 10 aliens pointing sharp weapons towards him.

-Hey... Lance! Pidge! I might need some help over here, hehe. - He said nervously, almost about to cry again.


Who could even imagine this planet was occupied?? It seems that three species of aliens cohabited here. The Sasuki were the ones who most resembled to humans. The differences were principally their skin color, which was absolute white with some purple spots, and the yellow horns they had over their ears. All the males were bald while the females all had a long purple hair. The females horns were longer and more pointed also. Lance mentally noted to be careful about that aspect.

The second specie was the smallest, the Baubarians. They were very similar to geckos but walked on two legs and were completely purple. They spoke with a strange and funny accent. It was quite hilarious.

The other species, the last but not least, was stranger. The Kutfjh had four legs and two arms they all were lilac and 1,5m tall. You could not tell their sex. They had head but it didn't have eyes, nose, mouth nor ears. It was blank. Hunk walked always next to Lance, grabbing his arm tightly; just in case they suddenly grew a big disturbing eye or a huge mouth full of sharp and pointed-teeth... no more surprises please! They barely interacted with the others; they just quietly followed, creeping out the paladins.

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