Chapter 5 - Bandits

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( 10k's view )

We've been driving the whole day Raven's only woke up twice when Mack hit the brakes in a hurry due to some Z's

Other then that I mostly watched as Raven laid her head on my chest she kept mumbling in her sleep

" I'm so daddy I could of saved you I could of saved mommy and Noah I'm so sorry she was having nightmares about her family she felt guilty for something she couldn't of stopped

She'd randomly nuzzle her face in the crook of my neck at times I could feel her hot tears connect with my skin while she was deep in sleep while I rested my arm in her lower back

Suddenly Abby opened the back window sticking her head out as we slowly came to a stop

" first aaaawww Abby said before continuing

" 10k there's a line of strange looking Z's blocking the road I think their people actually she said glancing back towards the front

Raven suddenly shot up wide awake and grabbed her father's rifle She slowly inched towards the side of the truck and stuck the barrel towards the line of Z's

" bandits she whispered before looking at Abby

" Abby load as much crap in bags , pockets , anything that can hold stuff in case they take my truck

I saw Raven arm herself with a crap load of weapons on , every weapon she own except a few knives and Axe's which she had me , Abby , and Mack strap on which we did while the rest where hidden on her

We saw the others get pulled out of the truck and Warren was talking to their leader

" get out of your truck as well they yelled up at us I saw Raven's face darken with anger as she slowly jumped down followed close behind by me , Mack , and Abby

Warren was talking with Doc and Murphy before she said

"let them have it we all readied our weapons ready to strike

but then Waring yelled in panic

"the trucks let them have the trucks

Raven seemed to be calculating her chances of winning if she was to try anything but seeing that she was defeated she slowly lowered her head along with her gun and let them have her truck

" maybe we can take this one with us one of the men said grabbing a lock of Raven's long hair making her let out a low growl while she just gave him the bird

The way he looked at her body made me sick and angry I wanted to punch him as hard as I could but decided against it

" not now Jerry lets go a man yelled loading up into Raven's truck

Soon the man named Jerry dropped Raven's lock of hair and punched her in the face causing blood to seep out from between her ruby lips and down her slender nose

Soon the man named Jerry dropped Raven's lock of hair and punched her in the face causing blood to seep out from between her ruby lips and down her slender nose

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which she spit in his face right before he disappeared into Warren's truck

Mack held me back from from lunging at the guy when he punched her

" no 10k we can't do anything remember we have Murphy he whispered as they drive off

As soon as they where out of sight I rushed over to Raven who was coughing the blood that was running out of her mouth

Doc quickly met me by her side taking a look at her nose and jaw to make sure nothing was broken

" well nothings broken your most Likely bruise though  Doc said before walking over to a stressed out Warren

" sorry I didn't stop him I mumbled

( Raven's view )

" why there was nothing you could of done I said towards a guilty looking 10k before standing up straight

We started hoofing it down the road Abby came up and walked up next to me

" so you and 10k getting all snuggly together she half whispered half Squealed

" nothings going on I was just shivering and he brought me close for body heat so I snuggled up I whispered

" sure that's the only reason she said while her eyebrows decided to dance

" 10k could never like someone like me I'm ugly and a killer I've killed people before I mumbled on the verge of tears

" firstly you are not ugly secondly we've all had to kill before that's how this world works she said throwing her arm over my shoulder in a supportive older sister way

" hey Abb's how old are you I soft

" I'm 19 now how about you she asked

" I just turned 16 a week ago the day I saved 10k I stuttered

" what you saved 10k on your birthday Abby yelled

" sshhh do you want to attract Z's I said trying to calm her down

" no we are going to celebrate your sweet 16 rather you like it or not Abby said attracting the attention of everyone including Murphy

Until I pointed out a car which the group cheered about when we found out it worked

Warren and Doc sat in the front
Abby sat on Mack's laps behind Doc
Murphy sat in the middle
And 10k sat by Murphy behind Warren

" Murphy or 10ks lap Warren said

" umm well I guess 10k's I stuttered before getting in the car Abby automatically started wiggling her eyebrows

So I playfully flipped her the bird and she placed her hand over her heart like she was offended

I could tell 10k was nervous he was so tense so I spun half way around and stretched my legs onto Murphy's lap while resting my head on the window

There was a little small talk mainly the group teasing 10k about having me sit on his lap and that I chose him over Murphy

After we drove for a while we saw the bandits trying to rob a family

" not on my watch Warren said before we all piled out guns ready

Suddenly the family pulled out their guns killing the bandits there was kids who just killed like it was no big deal

Then the family turned towards us and said they were taking our car

As they drove off I spotted our trucks up the road while Mack was yelling in anger

I sprinted as fast as my legs would take me and practically jumped onto my truck's door

Yelling in joy " Moose
As I opened the door and climbed into the cab seeing that everything was untouched

" yesssssss thank god  I squealed as I opened the driver's sun adviser to see the picture of my parents and me at the beach

" woah Rave why so excited I herd 10k yell up to me

" nothing 10k just glad to have Moose back that's all I yelled back down at him lying to cover up my excitement

" well we roll out in 5 Warren yelled up as everyone gkt in their assigned trucks

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