Chapter 15 - Granddaddy's farm ( part 2 )

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( 10k's view )

I quickly caught the keys that Raven tossed  me

"Uumm where's the truck I asked nervously it then seemed to dawn on her that I couldn't possibly know where it was

" right sorry about that it'll be in the red barn with the number 2 in white paint in it she quickly said before grabbing another set of keys from the wall

" I'm gonna get the forklift so we can get the barrels loaded faster she said calmly stepping out into the field as the wind played with her long messy hair I just stood there staring I couldn't look away

She quickly grabbed me into a hug and a whispered be safe 10 before pecking me on the cheek

" be safe babe I said before wrapping one arm around her waist and placing a quick kiss on her soft ruby lips

As we parted she said " love ya see you soon 10 before she started running off to a smaller barn with a white painted 1 that was slightly flaking off

I quickly ran to barn 2 I slowly did a check for humans and Z's nothing so I slowly opened the door to see a grayish 5 Ton truck with a white star on the door 

I quickly ran to barn 2 I slowly did a check for humans and Z's nothing so I slowly opened the door to see a grayish 5 Ton truck with a white star on the door 

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I quickly jumped in and drove my way slowly to the barn where Raven was putting the partly filled barrels and putting the gas together in one barrel

I slowly backed up and parked before jumping out

( Raven's view )

I stood next to a barrel while the remaining gas dripped from the one I was leaning forward 10k quickly came to my side and grabbed the side of the barrel

" start loading them so we can get back to Warren and the rest faster he said not taking his eyes off the now empty barrel

I quickly nodded before strapping a barrel up to the forklift and lifted it up to the bed of the truck

where 10 quickly grabbed it and scooted it to the back about half a hour later we finished with 5 50gallon drums full all strapped in place

I quickly started taking the gas that was left from the forklift and placed it in the 5 ton truck
Before leaving Granddaddy's  farm

Just as we made it down the dirt road a group of people on dirt bikes started driving behind us as more blocked the road a head

( 10k's view )

" fuck Raven said as she  slammed her hand on the trucks steering wheel

" don't stop they'll try to take the truck I said while loading my rifle

" wasn't planning on it she said while sending me a small smirk before she grabbed the portable radio off her bag

" Warren , this is Raven do you  copy , please copy

Warren , this is Raven do you copy , please copy

She asked before Warren's voice came through the truck

" Sniper Girl , this is Warren I copy , what is it I repeat I copy what is it

" there's a group of survivors their trying to take the truck with the gas we're not stopping we're going through get ready in case they follow us Raven said before pulling her Desert Eagle out and setting it in your lap

As we got closer to the line of people Raven picked up the speed running over dirt bikes and some of the people

( Addy's view )

" what do you mean their in danger I questioned Warren who had a worried look on her face

" a group of survivors

She didn't get to finish her response before the ringing of gun fire came from the distance

" Doc , Abby take Murphy somewhere safe

" me , Mack , and Cassandra will take the woods go , go , go , Warren yelled before running into the wood line

( Raven's view )

" really their gonna start that shit I yelled as a bullet hit papa's truck side mirror went as it went crashing to the road

In the corner of my eye I saw 10k grab his rifle and poke it out the window quickly downing 3 of the bikers

" 10k take the wheel I yelled while pick up my Desert Eagle off my lap and killing a biker that had come closer to my door

"35 I whispered before 10k took the wheel his eyes grew wide as I climbed out of the window and got on the roof of the truck

" Raven are you crazy 10k yelled but I could barely hear him

" aren't we all a little crazy I yelled before popping a few of the bikers

I saw Warren , Mack , and Cassandra  come out and into the road they started firing at the bikers that were left soon they were all dead

" Raven Addy yelled as we started driving up to Moose

As soon as I jumped down Doc and Addy engulfed me in a bear hug

" sure got worried there kiddos when all that gun fire started up Doc said bringing 10k into the hug

( 10k's view )

As we pulled away from the hug Addy took Raven aside and brought her over to Mack so they could talk to her

That's when Cassandra randomly hugged me around my neck we've grown close the past couple days I mean she didn't mean for Raven to get kidnapped by Tobias

I awkwardly hugged her back when I noticed Mack giving me a disapproving / threatening look while Addy look like she was about to explode due to excitement

" I knew it I knew it she started shouting and dancing around in a circle while Raven tried to hush her

" Addy sssshhhhh Addy please Raven pleaded

" no , no Doc owes me a nice long nap and Mack owes me a back rub Addy shouted

" damn it their a thing Doc yelled from behind me startling me and Cassandra

Cassandra looked up at me with a mixture of emotions shock , sadness , and anger she quickly stormed off

" Damn what's her problem Murphy asked as she stormed last him bumping shoulders with him

" I'd say she's jealous now lets roll out people Warren yelled before assigning us trucks

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