That's What Makes You Beautiful

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Jessica’s (POV)

“That’s what makes you beautiful”…  I awoke to the sound of her ring tone. “WHO THE FRIG IS CALLING AT 9:00 AM!” I almost yelled.

I answered to the phone to my screaming friends Alana and Mariha.

“JESSICA ITS TODAY, ITS TODAY.” They screamed together.

“What’s today, and why may I ask are you calling me at 9:00 am!” I practically yelled at them.

“It’s the day that we are finally going to meet One Direction!” They yelled back at me in excitement.

    I turned my head to look at my calendar and sure enough in big red letters said “ONE DIRECTION CONCERT!”

“EEEPPPPPP.” I screeched through the phone.

“What time do you want to come up and get ready?” Asked Alana excitedly.

“How about around 7, that should give us enough time, oh and can I drive?” I asked.

“Okay 7 is perfect and yes Jessica, you can drive.” Said Mariha laughing.

“Yes!” I laughed. “See you later, bye”

“Bye.” They said at the same time.

After I hung up I went over to my radio and put my One Direction CD on then I turned it on full blast. I was probably going to get in trouble for this since its 9 AM but I don’t care.  I pressed play.


I sang and danced around my room until I heard laughing from behind me. My older brother Dana was standing there with a video camera in his hands laughing at me.

“DANA I AM SO GOING TO KILL YOU!” I yelled at him while blushing furiously.

“This is going on YouTube.” He said laughing as I chased him through the house.

“HAND IT OVER YOU IDIOT!” I yelled at him.

“You have to catch me first.” He yelled back acting like a retard.

When he wasn’t looking I took a short cut through the kitchen back to the living room and stopped in front of him. He tried to run the other way but I grabbed the camera before he could. I deleted the video and handed it back to him.

“Ha-ha.” I said to him.

“Awe your no fun.” He said with a fake pout on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him.


That's What Makes You Beautiful (A Niall Horan Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now