Chapter 2

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Jessica’s (POV)

     For the rest of the day I prepared for the concert. I got a shower and then I painted my nails. A perfect shade of blue. I picked out a black strapless dress and a pair of flats then I got changed. I decided to go on Facebook until 7. I posted all about the concert on my wall probably bugging a lot of people. But I didn’t care I was too excited. My mom called me at 5 to and I grabbed my purse off my desk and practically ran down the stairs. I walked to Alana and Mariha’s house and I got there at 7.

“Hey Jessica, I love your outfit.” Said Mariha almost jumping up and down in excitement. I swear she is the biggest One Direction fan I’ve ever met (Besides me).  

“Hey, thanks Mariha.” I said rolling my eyes at her excitement.

I used their hair curler to curl my long blond hair. After I was done I looked in the mirror.

“Perfect.” I said happily.

Then I did my makeup I put on my blush first then I put blue eye shadow and mascara and black eyeliner. I looked in the mirror again.

“Okay girls I’m ready, how do I look.” I asked striking a pose.

They burst into complete laughter clutching their stomachs gasping for air.  I just stood there smiling.

“Model like.” Laughed Mariha.  

I looked at my phone looking at the time.

“Guess what time it is girls.” I said smiling.

“ONE DIRECTION TIME!” We all yelled.

We ran to the car laughing our heads off.

“Shotgun!” Yelled Mariha.

“Awe.” Said Alana with a fake pout.

“You can have it on the way back, okay Alana.” I giggled.

“Okay.” Said Alana hopping in the back seat.

I jumped into the front seat and started the car. We were on our way to the arena. We put the One Direction CD in the stereo and started singing along to One Thing. A few minutes later Niall’s solo came on and I screamed.

“What are you screaming about?” Asked Mariha.

“Niall’s solo is so sexy!” I said.

They burst into extreme laughter.

    When we got to the arena we got out of the car and started running to the entrance. We have really good seats. They are front row. When it was first announced they One Direction were coming I called right away and got us front row. And when I told Alana and Mariha that I also got us backstage passes they almost had a heart attack.

We went inside all pumped up for the concert. It was 8:30 already and it started at 9.

“Oh my god I’m so excited!” Yelled Mariha over the noise.

“Me two.” I Yelled back.

 “Me three.” Yelled Alana to both of us. We all started laughing.

We talked for the rest of the half hour about what we were going to say when we met them. When the lights went out we looked up at the stage and there stood five shadows. A spotlight flashed on one shadow. Harry. Then another spotlight on the second. Liam. Next was Zayn then Louis. Last of all Niall. Oh Niall. Personally my favorite. His voice is so amazing, plus he was Irish. When the music started everyone started screaming. Well why wouldn’t they. One Direction was only the most hottest British/Irish boy band ever. They started singing ‘Everything about You’

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