Chapter 7

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Mariha’s (POV)

I honestly thought he would ever ask me out. I mean before the concert and before we met I had the biggest crush on him, but now, once I met him that all started to change, I didn’t just love him because he was my favorite out of the boy band, I started to like him because he was sweet, nice, charming all that. He is amazing, and now he is my boyfriend. I am so happy.

Then someone walk into the kitchen.

“Whoa, hey guys.” Said Jessica smiling as she was walking into the kitchen with Niall. “I’m guessing everything worked out.”

“Yes, it did.” Said Louis smiling. I stood there smiling.

“I’m so happy for you two.” Said Jessica.

“So, how’re you loving the party.” I asked her. “It was Niall’s idea.”

“It’s amazing.” She replied. “It was really nice of you guys to do.”

“No problem, a party is any day for me.” Said Louis smiling.

Niall whispered something in Jessica’s ear that I couldn’t hear.

“Well, see you two later, have fun.” Said Jessica smiling at me and Louis.

They left to go dance I am guessing.

“Do you want to dance?” Asked Louis.

“Sure.” I said smiling.

“Okay, let me grab a carrot first.” He said.

I burst out laughing.

“Oh, my carrot man.” I said laughing.

Zayn’s (POV)

   She is so beautiful. Those hazel eyes, her long brown curly hair, that face, oh that face. Shut up Zayn she will never go for you, you’re not as great as the other guys. Oh well, maybe I will ask her out another time, when I am ready to confess my feelings for her. Not tonight though.

Alana’s (POV)

I was watching Mariha and Louis dance for a while and I am pretty sure Lou asked her to be his girlfriend. I am so happy for her; she hasn’t had a boyfriend since Jamie cheated on her with the most popular girl in school. I knew from the start that he wasn’t a good person but I didn’t have the heart to tell her, she was so in love with him. I promised myself I would get him back one day. Then there was me, I am pretty sure I am falling hard for Zayn, he is cute funny, charming, and as obsessed with his hair as I am with mine. I never had a boyfriend since Justin; I caught him kissing my ex-best friend Janelle. Justin was my first love and I hated him forever after that and I haven’t talked to Janelle ever since.  But Zayn is different. He is sweet and amazing and well… everything I could ever want, but I doubt he feels the same way, does he? No, he can’t, I’m not as pretty as other girls I’m not as smart I’m pretty much a nobody. As you can see I am pretty insecure.

I looked over to Zayn one more time and sighed. He is so perfect. Okay maybe I am in love with him. I don’t think he feels the same way. I got up and went to the kitchen to get a drink.

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