1. Can I help you sir?

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Hi, this is part one of my contest entry MalecLovely  , have fun reading them all! And just fyi, the other ship comes in a later chapter!

Once I let go of the last box, I let myself fall on the little couch that's randomly placed in the middle of the room. To say I'm exhausted is an understatement. Oh no, I'm dead, I'm literally dead.

Just when I think I can take a quick nap, someone knocks. They're probably just the neighbors or something, I'll just pretend I'm not at home. But then I hear a voice.

'Hello? These boxes aren't going to get any lighter soon! Could you please open, whoever you are?!' I hear someone practically scream. I jump up and run to open the door, to see several large boxes and what seems like a bunch of glitter.

'Eh, are you like my roommate?' I ask, worried about how we're going to get all those boxes in this apartment.

'I mean, it says here: Apartment 19 at the Seeliestreet. That's here right?' The pile of boxes says.

I nod, then realizing he can't see me. Instead I just grab a few boxes from his hands and turn around, walking into our apartment.

The place isn't that small, but it isn't that big either. There's one bedroom, a bathroom and a living room with a kitchen attached to it.

When I walk out of the bedroom, I'd placed the boxes there, I return to the living room, but it seems like the guy is gone. I never got to see his face... I hear rumbling in the bathroom, he's probably in there.

There's knocking again. I open the door to see a man in rather, flashy clothes, and glitter standing in front of me. He's about my age, maybe one or two years older. Is that eyeliner? Not being really sure what to do, I choose to be polite.

'Uhm, how can I help you, sir?' The man chuckles, which confuses me.

'Well, you can help me unpack if you want to? And call me Magnus.' The man, Magnus, says with another chuckle.

Still confused, I look at him. He's wearing a little to tight leather pants and a low cut shirt. It has "Blink if you want me" on it in glitter.

'Like what you see? So, when you're done checking me out, would you let me in or what?' He says, smirking. My face turns red, nobody knows my secret accept for my sister.

'I- what? M-me? No I-I was just-'

'Calm down, blue eyes. I was just teasing.' Magnus says, walking past me into the apartment. First, I just stand there, dumbfounded. Then I realize something.

'Hey, but if you're here, who's in the bathroom?!' I ask, shocked. My answer comes walking through the room. A small white tabby cat walks up to me, sniffs, and lies down on my feet.

'You have a cat?!' Is all I can say.

'Of course I have a cat! I did tell you this, it's somewhere in the papers. His name is Chairman Meow, by the way.'

I sigh. 'I never read those papers. My siblings insisted me to get a roommate. And I was the stupid idiot, who was convinced. So, what were the main things about you in the papers?' I say, probably rambling like an idiot.

'Let me see... The most important things: I have a cat, I love glitter, I love music, I am into fashion and I'm a freewheeling bisexual.' He says with a firm nod.

I look at him, actually quite impressed with his confidence. For some reason I feel relieved, I'd just don't know why.

'Why did you put that in the papers. I mean isn't that a little personal?' I ask, taking the tiny cat, more like kitten, in my hands and walking over to the couch.

'I know, glitter is a very important part of my life, but I guess I had a feeling I had to. I mean, some people can be very bitchy about it. But then again, you're crazy if you don't like glitter!' He exclaims, while starting to unpack.

I'm quite sure that he knows that I meant his sexuality. I think he kind of explained it, with glitter as example. I hum in response, while rubbing the Chairman behind his ears.

'Wait, you called your cat Chairman Meow?' I ask him, laughing and even snorting for the fist in weeks. But Magnus pretends to be offended.

'Uhm yeah?! I mean look at him, it fits perfectly, Blue eyes.' He says, stopping the unpacking and sitting down next to me.

'Can you not call me that, please?' I grunt. 'Well, you never told me your name, so I guess I don't have a choice.

Realizing what he just said, brought panic. 'Oh by the Angel, I totally forgot! Sorry,' I hold my hand out. ' I'm Alexa-... I'm Alec. Alec Lightwood'

I expected Magnus to shake my hand, but instead he takes it and kisses it. 'A pleasure to meet you Alec, Alec Lightwood.'

A blush creeps up my cheeks and I pull my hand away quickly. He looks up at me, now I notice his bright amber eyes. It almost seems like there a stripes of gold in there.

'I'm a- I'm not a... you know.' I stammer, hoping my blush already faded away. He looks me deep in the eyes, like he can tell if I'm lying by doing that. He raises an eyebrow but then removes his gaze to the cat. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

'Well the Chairman seems to like you. That means I'm going to like you too.' I raise an eyebrow at him. 'What?! I don't hang out with people the Chairman doesn't like.

I laugh again, the awkwardness from before long forgotten.

'Well Alexander, are we going to unpack or what?' Magnus says, getting up and clapping his hands twice.

Hope you liked the first chapter! I really love writing this au. So I maybe want to make a new book out of this, but you guys tell me in the comments.

Bye Angels,

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