14. The Todd Awards

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Hey! How are you all doing? Yeah that was about everything I've got to say...


Have I ever told anyone that ties are the worst thing mankind has ever made. I've never understood how to "use" them and it's definitely not cooperating now.

I've been struggling for fifteen minutes straight, trying to make a knot thingy and I'm close to giving up now. Then I hear the knocking, again.

'I'm not going to let you in nor let you come with me Izzy, for the thousandth time. Find your own limo!' I groan as detangle the tie, again.

'Come on Alec! I know you're still angry at me because of that photo, but that doesn't mean you can ban me from the limo!'

I chuckle, giving myself a high five. Tonight is my first Red Carpet or whatever they call it and I can't deny that I'm excited. The whole cast is driving to the place in the same limo. Except for Izzy, because I banned her.

The rest of the rest of the cast found it too funny to actually object. I hear Izzy sigh loudly before the sound of clicking heels fills the corridor.

I groan as a rip the tie of my neck, accidentally throwing right in Magnus' face. I invited him as  my plus one, since I didn't really know who else to go with. Magnus chuckles, holding the tie in his hands.

'Need help big boy?' He asks me  with a smug face. I sigh nodding defeatedly.

He walks towards me and stops right in front of me. He's just a bit taller but I can feel his breath against my lips, which is making me nervous.

When Magnus finishes the knot he doesn't move away. I don't either, I simply can't. We stare at each other without saying a word. The doorbell ringing is what snaps us back to reality.

'Hey you two ready?! We're leaving without you if you don't come down right this instant!' I hear Robert scream, I flinch. Magnus probably saw this because he pushes me into a tight embrace.

'You're going to shine out there, everyone will love you.' He whispers before grabbing his makeup bag and opening the door. Even though he's a guest he still likes to bring his 'emergency kit'.

As we walk downstairs and into the limo, we're greeted by the cast minus Izzy. That causes me to smile, the evil creature that I am.

'Where is Isabelle?' Robert boomed from the front seat.

'Not coming with us. She eh, wanted to make an entrance that will impress everyone.' Honestly I don't know if that's actually going to happen, but knowing Izzy it probably will.

After a long drive to the place, Magnus and Jace sitting at both sides of me with Lydia in front of me, we finally arrive. The door hasn't even opened yet but we can already hear the cameras clicking and flashing.

When Luke opens the door, we're blinded by all the flashes, but try to look as comfortable as possible. We walk down the red carpet until we hear another car arrive, turning around to see a  black shining limo with diamond handles.

The door opens and there she is. Izzy walks out with her long red dress, a slit showing off her long leg. Her hair has been curled even more and it's falling down in waves. Her makeup looks great, I think, with her signature red lips.

'Ah brother dearest, wasn't that a nice entrance?' She asks me giggling, arms open to hug me.

'I wouldn't have wanted it any other way, your Highness.' I chuckle as I return the tight embrace.

'Please help me through these dreadful few hours.' I whisper, causing her to roll her eyes.

Suddenly someone grabs my arm and pulls me with them. I look up to see Lydia, I don't even want to start resisting when I know it's futile.

A fairytale to remember ( malec au )Where stories live. Discover now