11. Mission Impossible

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So as you might've noticed, I haven't been posting for a long time. Explanation: school is not going so well and I need to put all my focus on studying right now. So I'll continue posting chapters, it just probably will take a bit longer. I hope you guys understand and enjoy for now!

It has been a very exhausting day, twelve hours of shooting, and I'm as tired as I can be. We've just wrapped for today and I'm currently lounging in my trailer. As I'm about to doze off, someone knocks on the door.

 'Come in, it's open!' I yell, groaning as I sit up straight again. I look up to see the very last person I want to be near right now.

 'Hi Alec, Isabelle texted me. She told me that you wanted to ask me something?' Lydia asks, sitting down beside me. See the thing with Lydia is, she never knows when to stop. She tried to get my attention a hell lot of times, I told her I wasn't interested. She wanted extra lines, so she forced Raphael into making a ten minute scene just about her character. You get my frustration right? However, she is the only person right now who could help me with my problem.

 'Okay Lydia you need to listen closely. It would mean the world to me if you could pretend to be my girlfriend. And I emphasise "pretend''. Just for a week or two, then it should be fine. Can you do that?'

She looked at me wide-eyed, a smile spreading across her face. 'You want me to be your girlfriend?!' she exclaims excitedly.
 'No, no, don't distort my words now. Pretend, p-r-e-t-e-n-d, pretend.' I sigh, getting up as she shifts over a little too close to me. 'Yeah whatever. Anyway, why me?'

I know the way to win her over is simple, expand her ego. She is about one of the most big-headed people on this planet, and I'm using that to my advantage. 'You're acting skills are impeccable, you're about the only girl that could act well enough to make it credible.' I say, fake smiling at her. 

'Well that is true... Okay, I'll do it! Hello, new boyfriend!' she exclaims happily.

'Don't call me that. Just act like we're together when we're in public. Oh, and no funny business, alright?' She just hums in response and exits my trailer. Then something pops up in my mind. I rush outside to see Lydia a few feet away from my trailer, on her phone.

 'Lydia,' she turns around to look at me 'I'd like to introduce you as my girlfriend to someone, is that okay?' She nods and follows me to the make-up trailers.

I open the door to see Magnus packing up his things, ready to go home. He looks up smiling, however it fades when he sees Lydia behind me. That's due the fact that she called him a fag a few days ago. Nobody was supposed to hear it, they were alone in the make-up trailer. She didn't notice that I was about to enter and I heard everything. Hence I feel like such a d*ck that I chose Lydia of all people to be my so called 'girlfriend', but I don't really have any other choice. 

'Magnus, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Lydia. Lydia, I would like you to meet my roomie and friend, Magnus.' I say as casually and indifferent as possible. Magnus looks at me, mouth wide open in pure shock. Then his expression changes into a disapproving one.

 'We've met before.' Is all he says before he grabs his bag and leaves. I feel horrible right now, if somebody would punch me for how stupid I am, I would let them. 'So, boyfrie-'

'Not now, Lydia. Can you,' I sighed, looking at Magnus' forgotten jacket 'can you just leave, please?' She huffs and walks out of the trailer, slamming the door behind her. I grab Magnus' jacket and go back to my own trailer to grab my own stuff. As I head out I remember that I was allowed to take Magnus' car today. That probably means I will have to walk home, again, in the pouring rain. As I reach the exit of the set, I see his car still standing in the parking lot. I peek through the window, expecting Magnus to sit there, but there's no one. The keys are in the car itself, together with a note. As I open the door and dump my stuff on the back seat, I grab the note.

'You take the car, Raphael will kill you if you come to set tomorrow with a runny nose or something worse. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

I sigh, dropping it in the seat next to me, and start the engine. I've been driving home for about five minutes, when I see a familiar silhouette walking in the pouring rain, without a jacket or an umbrella. I drive a few feet past Magnus and stop, opening the door so he can get in. I see him hesitate for a moment, but he steps in anyway. 

The moment the doors slams shut, I can finally take a good look at how he looks. 'Magnus what were you thinking, you're soaking wet!' I exclaim, taking of my own jacket and draping it around his shoulders.

 'Well I forgot my jacket in the make-up trailer and I wasn't about to hurt my pride by coming back.' Magnus explains with chattering teeth. 'And I guess I'm a bit mad, but I can't stay mad at you when you look like that.'

I raise my eyebrow while taking the second exit at the roundabout. 'Look like what?' I ask, turning on the radio for a bit of distraction. 'So worried about my wellbeing. It has been sometime since someone really cared about me that much.' Magnus mumbles absently.

 I want to ask him what he meant by that, but decide not to. It's not the time or the place to ask these kinds of questions. The rest of the ride home was silent, the radio softly playing on the background.

Once we're home, Magnus goes straight to the bathroom to freshen up while I make two cups of hot cholate, whipped cream included obviously. As I'm about to turn on the TV, Magnus start yelling. 'Hey Alexander, can you grab my clothes, they're on my bed. I forgot to take them with me!'

I walk over to our room and grab his clothes, then standing in front of the bathroom door not knowing what to do next. 'Er... should I like close my eyes or should I just drop them here or-'

'Alexander I'm wearing a towel, you can come in, we're both men here.' Magnus interrupts. He just doesn't understand that that's exactly the problem. Dubiously I open the door, the vapor blown right in my face. 

As my vision clears, it gets rather hard for me to breath. Magnus is standing there in all his glory, just covered by a tiny towel, the drops of water still on his body. I swallow hard, clear my throat, give him his clothes and quickly exit the bathroom. I hear him mumble something among the lines of 'He's not gay my ass.' but that could just be my imagination.

So that's that! Vote and comment you lovely people!

Bye Angels,


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