8. Hangovers and surprises

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Hi. Well that's everything I have to say... Enjoy!

'My girlfriend? Do I have a girlfriend?' I ask, making a disgusted face.

'Yes you have, you moron. And she won't be happy when she hears that you forgot about her.' Magnus sighs, getting up and walking to the dresser.

'Better not tell her I'm gaaay then.' I whisper with a smirk, giggling at Magnus' not amused face. He pulls of his jacket and hangs it back, in between a sparkly purple and a salmon coloured vest. He looks back for a moment, then turns back to the now opened dresser and skips through my clothes.

I can see the muscles of his back moving as he tries to get something off the top shelf. It's obvious that he is quite muscular and I can't deny and say I don't like the view.

'Take a picture, I've heard they last longer.' Magnus' voice says, snapping me out of my trance.

'Maybe I will.' I wink at him and he rolls his eyes. However, I can see the faint blush that's spreading across his cheeks.
Suddenly, a pair of sweatpants and a shirt are thrown in my face. I glare at Magnus and he chuckles, oh so now he's the funny guy.

I pull my wet shirt over my head and throw it in the corner. As I'm picking up my dry one, I see Magnus staring at my abs. Normally this would've made me uncomfortable, but now for some reason I couldn't care less. I smirk, noticing that he doesn't realize what he's doing.

'Take a picture, I've heard they last longer.' I tell him mockingly, mimicking his voice. The moment I start to loosen up my belt, is the moment he finally snaps back to reality. His eyes go wide and he turns around quickly, I grin, finding this a job well done. After throwing my wet pants in the corner too and putting on the sweatpants, I stretch out on the bed.

'Oh by the waaay, how was your first day at work Maaags? ' I ask, genuinely interested in how it went. He groans and plops down on the bed, causing me to giggle.

'It was so shitty! I thought I got the job, but apparently this was the last testing round. Luckily I, and also some other random chick, got hired for the job. But I really wanted to start working today, so that was a bit disappointing.' I hum in response, because it's quite understandable.

I'm getting quite tired and I yawn loudly, then something dawns me. 'Hey Maggy, what is that job of yours? You only told me it has something to do with make-up.'

I see something change in his face, it almost looks like excitement or something.

'That's all you need to know, for now. What about you?'

But before I can answer, I feel my eyelids slowly closing, sleep taking over. The lasting I hear is Magnus' sweet voice.

'Goodnight to you too, Alexander.'


I wake up with a pounding head, the alarm clock whining is not helping one bit. Two mugs and a writing-book later, I'm finally able to turn it off. Well, it's probably broken now... I roll to the other side of my bed to see Magnus looking at me.

'What?' I ask, my voice still low and husky because of the morning. He doesn't answer and I just shrug. I sigh loudly and get up in one swift movement. Bad idea.

'Holy shit, please tell me that's the neighbours renovating instead of my head.' I groan, holding my head between both of my hands.

'See, that was what I was waiting for.' Magnus points out, suddenly standing next to me. In his hands are an aspirin and a glass of water. I snatch them out of his hands greedily and gulp them down.

'You know,' Magnus says, walking into the bathroom. 'you never told me what your job is.'

Shoot. The thing is, I want to tell him, but I can't. At least not until tomorrow. After they publish the news, he'll find it out soon enough.

'Eh, yeah I never told you huh? Well... I eh, I am a beginner writer.' Gosh, I wish I were. Instead I'm stuck with my father's shitty job. But I just keep reminding myself, the rest of the world would die for this job.

After my headache calmed down a bit, I take a look at the clock. 8:20AM, shit, I have to be there in ten minutes.

'Even if I wanted to know, which isn't the case, what bullshit I said last night, I'm in too much of a hurry to care.' I pant, while getting dressed.

'That makes two of us, I'm in a hurry as well. What can I say, perfection takes time.' Magnus says as he adds his final touches to his eyeliner.

I grab my folder containing my lines and hurry out of the door, followed by Magnus close behind. He jumps into his car and starts the engine. Lucky him, he has a car. I, however, have to run to my job, my bike's  got stolen a few days ago. And yes, I can afford a car. Heck I can afford ten cars, but I decided not to buy one. 

After literally sprinting, I make it to set. I'm lucky that I work out, otherwise I would never have made it. I check the time and see I've got three minutes left before I have to go to the make-up trailer. Even though it's my first day working, I know how things work here. That's thanks to my younger siblings who've been working on this project for two years now.

I make my way to the make-up trailer after saying hello to the director and Luke. I've got to shoot a scene with him, luckily I already know him, he's nice. My siblings have a day off, lucky them, and couldn't make it here to see me shooting my first scene ever. I don't blame them, they have a very busy schedule themselves.

I open the door to the trailer and sit down on one of the chairs in front of the large mirror. Normally the make-up artist should be here by now, weird. I close my eyes, trying to get some rest since I didn't get much last night. I hear the squeaking of tires and someone running. I hear the door open and close and someone panting.

'I am so, so sorry that I'm late. Traffic was stuck and I driving my ca-' The familiar voice suddenly stops. I peek an eye open and turn around in my chair.


I guess we all saw that one coming haha. Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, again. Now that I'm having my x-mas holidays, I plan on writing a lot more!

Love you all!

Bye Angels,


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