15. The purpose of lapels

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Hi guys! So some unexpected guests visited today, which means I haven't had the time to write a chapter. But I promised I'd update, so here I am. It's around 2.30 am atm and I wanna sleep, so if there are any mistakes... I'll edit it in a few hours! (aka later this morning when I'm not a zombie)


The rest of the day was just Todds being awarded to famous people, none of them familiar to me except my own siblings. Izzy won a Todd for best Sci-Fi actress and Jace the same but for an actor. It wasn't half as bad as I tought it was going to be, until the photo session or whatever with the press.

Journalists are everywhere, interrogating everyone with questions. I have answered the same questions for at least fifteen times already. As I'm standing in front of the flashing cameras, I feel a skinny arms snaking around my waist, causing me to look down.


'What are you doing?!' I whisper.

'You're my boyfriend, at least make it look like we are a couple.' She hisses, holding my waist a little too tight for my liking.

I can see Magnus staring at me from the corner of my eye. I force a fake smile towards the cameras, wincing slightly as Lydia's plastic nails dig deeper and deeper into my skin. The people behind the cameras are liking this pose for some ridiculous reason.

'Can I steal your "boyfriend" for a minute Lydia?' the most angelic voice at the moment asks, trying to save me from Lydia's claws.

'If you must Bane, see you in a bit babe.' She says, making sure that all the microphones can hear it. Then something happens that I wasn't expecting. Warm, glossy lips cover mine as I stand here in shock. Once I realize what she's doing, I pull away disgusted.

'What the hell Lydia, I told you, no funny business.' I exclaim loudly, wiping my mouth furiously. Magnus stand behind us wide-eyed, which then turns into a smirking Magnus. 

I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that. At least, not that loud. I grin at my own stupidity, probably looking like a mad man.

Lydia on the other hand, looks furious. Without any warning her hand collides with my cheek, sending a stinging pain through it. As she tries to hit me again, two of the guards grab her and escort her out.

I rub my cheek, hearing Magnus repeatedly ask me if I'm really okay. Before I know it, the swarm with journalist stands in front of me. Luckily there are fences, otherwise I would've been on the ground by now.

'What was that just now?'

'Why did you push her away when she kissed you?'

'What did you mean by "No funny business"?'

'What will happen to Lydec?'

'Why did you do it?'

I feel myself getting angrier and angrier. My nails are digging  into my own hand, deeper and deeper with each question. I let out a frustrated groan, slowly lifting my head again with a lopsided grin.

'You all want to know why? Here's why.'

Before I know what I'm doing, I grab the lapels of Magnus' tuxedo jacket and pull him towards me. He lets out a yelp, which soon is cut off by my lips. I cover his with mine, causing a tingling feeling to fill my whole body. I can't believe how much I missed his lips on mine, even though we shared but one hurried kiss. 

I can feel Magnus stiffen in shock before melting into the kiss, but I pull away soon after. My breaths are ragged, softly panting as I realize what I've just done. My eyes go wide, snapping them up to Magnus'. They seem to sparkle, maybe that's just me, but they're filled with confusion as well.

'Happy?' I ask the stunned paparazzi which turns silent, there isn't a single camera flashing. Their mouths are hanging open and I almost want to warn them for flies. Without saying anything else, I walk towards the exit, decing that I've overstayed my welcome.

I'm walking towards the limo, feeling tears fill my eyes again for the second time today. I've just come out and I'm proud of myself, so why do I feel this way? I don't understand myself.

'Ah Mr. Lightwood, forgot something?' Michael, the limo driver, asks me kindly.'

'Not this time, Michael. And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Alec? Anyways, can you drive me back to the apartment please, I would like to leave.' I chuckle sadly, hopping in already.

'Of course Alec, but what about the others?'

'Iz came with Imogen and her Limo, they can leave with her.'

'Want to tell me why exactly, if I'm not being inpolite?' He asks with a concerned expression, starting the engine. I've known Michael since I was a kid. He's been my fathers best friend for years and years. He was the one caring for me and my siblings, when my parents were out for business.

'I did something big, now I don't know whether it's been a good idea or not. I'm just confused.' I tell him, sounding quite vague. Michael just nods understandingly, he knows that I don't want to talk about it. I lean my head against the window, closing my eyes, feeling tired.

We've probably reached the end of the long driveway, when the limo suddenly stops. It causes me to lift my head, seeing Magnus standing on the other side of the window. He motions for me to open the door.

'I think Mr. Bane would like to leave as well.' Michael concludes, looking at me through the mirror above him.

I nod, slowly opening the door. I hear Magnus mutter a "thanks", before trying to get in. Emphasizing on the word trying, since he trips over his own foot. Before I've time to move, Magnus lands on me. The power of his fall causes me to fall on my back, which makes this position a bit too intimate for lil' awkward me. 

I see Michael smirk as I quickly push Magnus off of me. My face is about the color of a tomato, my hands sweaty and my heart beating faster. I stay silent as Magnus tell Michael to start driving towards the apartment. My eyelids feel extremely heavy as I struggle to keep them open. I surrender to my tiredness and let my eyes slowly close. The sunset is all I see, before my head fall down.

Well that just happened?! What did you guys think about Alec coming out? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote!


Au revoir Angels,


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