4. Never have I ever

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Hello people. This is part 4 and the final part of my contest entry. WHOOP WHOOP. Enjoy MalecLovely  and everybody else!

It has been a week since Magnus came and became my roommate. Everything went perfectly fine. Magnus went to some parties, but would be silent when he came into the bedroom where I'd already be sleeping.

We bought a bed and finished the living room and the kitchen. Now we're both sitting on the couch watching some boring show. He's sitting on the right side of the couch and I on the left side.

'Is this what our life's going to be like. Watching some shitty soap?! Ugh let's do something fun, please!' Magnus exclaims, turning his back to me. He let himself fall on his back on my lap. He closes his eyes and has a frown of frustration on his face. I blush and feel a little uncomfortable.

'Then go to sleep or something.' I say, shifting a little. 'Noo, I've already slept perfectly. I even got used to your adorably little snores.'

I clear my throat. 'I don't snore... E-eh, I-I could invite my friends over?' I stammer, not sure what else to say. Magnus shoots up, almost hitting my head.

'That's a GREAT idea! Go call them now!' Magnus says, practically pushing me off the couch. I walk over to my phone and dial Izzy's number and put it on speaker.

'Well hello, big bro. To what do I owe this call.' Izzy says, a little to happily, through the phone.

'Hi sis, so would you guys like to come over? We're a little bored here.' I ask, knowing Magnus is looking at me right now behind my back. I don't even want to know where he's looking.

'Oh I know plenty of thing you two could do to fight that boredom.' She says, with a devilish voice. A blush creeps up my face and I quickly turn of the speaker. I hear Magnus snort behind me.

'Izzy...' I say, warningly.

'Okay, okay buzzkill. We'll come in an hour.' She says, and with that she hangs up.

I turn to Magnus and see him still chuckling a bit, I sigh deeply. 'They're coming in an hour.' I say, letting myself fall on the couch again. Suddenly the chuckling is over, and look at Magnus who is sitting wide eyed.

'An HOUR?! I've got to get ready!' And with that Magnus sprints into the bathroom.


The doorbell goes and I walk over to the door. When I open it, I see a lot more faces than I'd planned. Izzy, Jace, Clary, Maia and Simon were standing in front of me, I sigh.

'Who invited the vampire?' I just say, with a little grin on my face.

'Why do you keep calling me a vampire, I know I'm really, really white okay!' Simon exclaims with a groan. That was what I was going for, irritating Simon. I mean I'm happy that he's dating my sister, I trust the guy with her. But am I ever going to tell him that, no?!

I hear Magnus chuckle in the background, which reminds me of something.

'Jace, Clary, Maia, Sidney, this is Magnus. Magnus this is the gang.' I see Simon giving me a death glare, but then walks over to Magnus.

'Hi I'm SIMON, nice to meet you.' He says, while shaking Magnus' hand.

'Well there Sidney, I'm Magnus.' He says, smirking. I snort and all the others look at me disapproving. When everybody said their hello's we went to sit in a circle.

'Okay we're going to play a game of "Never have I ever". When you did it you take a sip.' Izzy says, pointing at the glasses in front of us.

'Okay I'll begin. Never have I ever been married or almost married.' She says, grinning devilish at me. I look at her wide eyed, but then sigh. I take the glass and take a sip, Magnus looking at me like I'm crazy.

'It was a betrothal okay? A forced marriage. I said no at the altar, and she respected it.' I say, sighing. Magnus gives an understanding nod, but then looks at Simon and Clary wide eyed. 'We we're in third grade a-'

'Okay, I most certain I don't want to hear this story.' I sigh, getting another disapproving look from my sister.

'I'll go next,' jace says 'Never have I ever kissed a person. Doesn't matter if you were drunk.' Everybody takes a sip, well except for me. That's the moment when I realize what they're doing.

They're trying to bring up all my little secrets in front of Magnus. Sibling, you got to love them. Magnus is looking at me again, I look away. Stupid Izzy, stupid Jace, stupid everybody.

'I'll go next. Never have I ever been banned from a country.' Magnus says, causing everyone to look at him shocked, when he takes a sip.

'I'm most certain I want to hear this story.' I say, turning back at him again.

'I'm only going to tell you it was Peru.' We all laugh and go on.


At some point Maia had to go back home and everybody was drunk. Jace and Clary were sucking off each other's faces, the same with Simon and Izzy. I was just clearing everything up, but now I'm sitting here awkwardly next Magnus. He clears his throat and the two couples look up.

'So when you're done canoodling in front of our face, it would be nice if you left.' They all look a little embarrassed, or is it just the alcohol.

'Well I wouldn't mind if you'd suck my brothers face off.' My sisters says, causing me to blush and look down.

'Shut up Izzy, you're just drunk.' I mutter, causing her to laugh hysterically.

'No I'm serious. I mean, you haven't kissed anyone before. Bet you never even tried. Come on, you're nineteen now. ' She says, laughing harder. I know she's saying this because she drunk, so I can't get mad at her. I sigh and practically push her out of the apartment. The other follow after.

When they're all out, I turn to Magnus. 'I hope you don't mind me, telling them to go. Letting you be on your own.' Magnus says, rubbing his neck a little.

'I'm not on my own, I'm here with you.' I say, smiling sheepishly. Magnus smiles back and pats on the empty spot on the couch beside him.

'I know you feel a little betrayed because of what they said, but I don't care about it. I honestly don't.' I sigh, from being relieved, but also for not being as 'cool' as my siblings.

'I don't get why you waste your time, sitting here with me. You could and some fancy party right now.' Magnus chuckles and moves a bit closer.

'I'd much rather be here with you.' He says, smiling. We sit there for a moment, it looks like Magnus is debating something in his head.

'You know what my mom told me before she died? Do what's in your heart. That's exactly what I'm going to do.' He says, and before I know it he kisses me.

Well that's that. Hope you liked it! But what will happen next? You'll see
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Bye Angel,

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