6. Sister advise

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When I wake up and get out of my bed, I notice Magnus' bed next to me is empty. I stay silent for a minute, to check if I hear any kind of movement. I hear nothing and head over to the dining table. There's a small note placed on a pile of pancakes.

Hi there,
I'm probably gone when you're reading this, but look, I made pancakes for you! And if you're wondering why I'm not here, I'm at my new job. Remember the time I told you that I got that job as a makeup artist? Well, I'll see you in a few hours.

New job? Hm, he must've mentioned that once or twice. Or I zoned out when he was talking about it. It happens a lot lately, there's just so much going on.

I sit down and eat the pancakes quietly, until I hear my phone beeping.

Message from: Izzy;)
Hey big bro, Takis in 10?

Message to: Izzy;)
Sure, see you there.

I put the rest of the pancakes I didn't eat in de fridge, I can finish them later. After having thrown on some clothes, I grab my keys and leave the apartment.

When I get there, she's already waiting in one of the booths. As soon as she sees me, she jumps up and runs to me.

Almost being killed in a bone crushing hug, I let out a gasp.

'Okay Izzy, I get it. You missed me. I missed you too, now would you let me go please.' I ask, trying to wiggle out of her embrace.

'Fine, fine. Now brother, tell me what awful mistake you made.' She says, as she sits down, patting the empty spot next to her.

I sigh, sit down and look outside the window. Where should I begin? I messed pretty much everything up.

'Okay so you know I'm...'

'Gay.' She adds.

'Yes. So er, M-Magnus kind of er, kissed me.' I say hesitantly.

The frown that covered my sisters face is completely gone, replaced by a bright smile. She grabs my shoulders and shakes me back and forth.

'Alec, that's great...Wait, why do I have the feeling something is wrong. Did he do something wrong? Because if he did, I swear I'll-'

'Izzy! He didn't do anything. It was me, it's always me. Ugh, why is it always me.' I groan, letting my head fall on my hands.

'What? Do you not like him?'

'No! No I really do. It's just...' I couldn't find the words to say it.


'I pushed him away and told him I was straight. And now I need to find a girlfriend, because I told him I have one. I don't even like girls!' I exclaim all in one breath, letting my head sink lower until it hits the table.

The only thing Isabelle can do is sigh. It's a really long, disappointed sigh.

'Alec, why did you do that?' I can even hear the disappointment in her voice.

'You know dad would never allow it. And I can't let anyone find out about it. You know how paparazzi can be.' I mumble in the sleeve of my sweater.

'They don't know you yet. So they wouldn't be on the lookout for you 24/7.' Izzy says, matter of factly.

'They know you and Jace, that's enough. And by the end of this year, they'll know me too. I can see the headlines already: SON OF R. LIGHTWOOD GAY?!'

Izzy chuckles and punches my shoulder. Then the frown is back, but this is her thinking frown.

'So what are you going to do?' She asks. 'I was hoping you would know...' I mumble softly.

'Maybe just, oh I don't know, tell him?'

'You know I can't do that. So do you have some kind of a Izzy plan.'

There is a moment of silence. I take a sip of my vanilla milkshake and look back at her.

'You could ask Lydia if she wants to pretend to be your girlfriend for awhile? I'm sure she wouldn't mind.' Izzy says, shrugging at my disgusted face.

'Like in, Lydia from work.' She nods sharply.

I let out another groan, the feeling is like a Monday morning, but ten times worse.

'Fine. I'll just try that out then.' I say with a sigh, I wasn't looking forward to this.

'Good. Well, I'll see you on set tomorrow, I have to go now. They'll kill me if I'm late for this scene!' She exclaims, getting up from her seat.

We say our goodbyes again and I'm left alone with my milkshake. Izzy is lucky the sun place is close to Takis, otherwise she would've never made it in time.

After I finish my drink, I stay in that very booth for at least another hour. Magnus must be back home by now. Home, it's a rather complicated word.

I hear the bell of the shop ring, alarming me that someone entered.

When I turn around, I didn't expect to see the one person I really wanted to avoid.

Hope you liked it! Again sorry for the delay.
Comment and vote, merci!

Bye Angels,

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