13. Social Media = drama

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This is just a little filler chapter, enjoy!

As I open the door to Takis, I scan the restaurant looking for my sister. After a few seconds I spot her, waving frantically at me to come. I haven't even sit down properly, when she starts talking.

'I can't believe how little you use your phone, like if you did, you'd know why you'd be here right now. Seriously, it has been all over the news and the tabloids are full with the latest rumors and yet you don't know anyth-'

'Izzy,' I stop her, before she can rant on. 'Tell me, what is it.'

She takes a deep breath and unlocks her phone. After clicking on a few buttons she turns it around for me to read what's written on it.





I try to control my breath as I scroll through all the headlines. How is this possible, I only told Magnus and he wouldn't... unless-

'Lydia had an interview with TheCircleMagazine and she told them you two are dating. Naturally, it went viral. She is one of America's sweethearts after all.' Izzy explains, before ordering a Martini for both of us.

'Iz you know I hardly drink.' I mutter, still trying to process what is happening.

'Trust me, you'll need it.'

I groan loudly, hiding my face behind my hands. Izzy strokes comforting circles on my shoulders while thanking the waiter.

'Why me? Why does my life have to be so messed up. Look at yours, your life is perfect and so is Jace's.'

'Al, our life is far from perfect. There are always going to be obstacles and we've all had our ups and downs. I mean, I tripped over my own dress when I received my Oscar for crying out loud!'

I chuckle, I remember that very fondly. I was her plus one and the only dying of laughter after that happened. Everyone was gasping and I was practically rolling on the ground, laughing my ass off.

'Yeah, that was fun.' I say, receiving a punch in the stomach.

'No, it was most certainly not. Anyways, what I was trying to say is, this is just one of your downs. It'll blow over and you'll be able to go on with life like you want to!' She exclaims, downing her Martini.

'And if not, you could always just tell them you're gay.' She whispers, shoving my drink in my face.

I sigh, grabbing it and downing it as well.
'You know I can't do that, sis.'

'Why not! I don't see the problem. You're all grown up now, no one to tell you yes or no. What's the big deal?'

'For one, dad would hate me for the rest of my life. I don't think I could handle that. And two, the media is going to judge me and I'd rather be a wallflower.'

'We live in the twenty first century, Alec. People are way more accepting now. And if dad doesn't love you for the way you are, he doesn't deserve you. You are the kindest, most selfless, protecting and generous person that I've ever met, I love you for that.' She tells me, her voice muffled because she's hugging me tightly.

'I love you too sis, I love you too.' I murmur, stroking her hair.

As I'm about to say that it's surprisingly quiet here, a group of girls shriek. They run towards us, still screaming.

'OH MY GOD! You're Alec and Izzy Lightwood! Can we take a picture with you and can you sign my shirt?!' A little brunette asks us, already holding her phone up.

'Of course!' Izzy exclaims, she's always enthusiastic when it comes to fans. 

The whole time that the girls are with us, this brunette tries to shove her chest in my face, I'm disgusted. My sister can barely control her laughter.

As soon as they're gone, I can breathe again. I let myself fall on the table and groan loudly.

'Oh by the way big Bro, good news,' I lift my head. 'From now on, I'll be taking over your Instagram profile!' She squeals happily.

My eyes go wide, already remembering all the ugly pictures of my and my siblings on her phone.

'No, not going to happen.'

'Too little too late my friend. I'm going to make you Insta Famous! You know what, I'm going to post something right now!'

'I don't want to be "Insta Famous" as you put it and don't even try to post anything or I'll kill you in your sleep.' I groan, grabbing my keys and getting up.

'Love you too, Allie.' She yells after me as I quickly leave the restaurant, ashamed of my crazy sister.

As I arrive at the apartment and park my motorbike, I take a quick look around me to see if the paparazzi followed me. After a minute or two of looking, I can conclude that there's no one.

As soon as I enter, Magnus comes running towards me, laughing?

'Can I  meet the person, who's in charge of your Instagram. Like, I knew you were ripped but this is just a whole new level.' He chuckles as he pats my back.

I look at him, totally confused. My head, of course, the color of a tomato.
'What are you talking about.'

'Your latest Insta post obviously. It's going viral.' Magnus exclaims, shoving his phone in my face.

I look at a picture of me, getting out of a pool. It was on our holiday with the family in Barcelona. I had to hand it to Izzy, it was a good shot. But then it dawned me that she posted this on "my" Instagram.

'Hang on, I need to make a phone call.' I mutter shoving his phone back into his hand.

'ISABELLE SOPHIA LIGHTWOOD.' I yell as soon as I hit the call button. I hear giggles and a soft sorry which was totally fake. I'm about to threaten her, when she simply just hangs up.

She did not just hang up on me, that little bi-

'You know, the photo is really great. Just the right angle. She should do something with photography as well!'

'Trust me,' I chuckle. 'She does more than enough with cameras for ten lifetimes.'

'So true.' Magnus laughs as we both fall down on the couch and turn on the tv.

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Au revoir Angels,

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