Chapter One: The First Control Point

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  As the voice came to begin, Rupert and Thomas charged ahead, Thomas keeping his medigun trained on the broad-shouldered Heavy. Rupert rubbed his head once, then charged outside with his Machine gun through one entrance. The spy followed quietly behind, cloaking himself. The two scouts charged through the second, yelling "Bonk!" As they went. The demoman and Soldier smiled drunkenly, and charged out into battle. The sniper, Nigel, took out his huntsman, following suit. Uncertainly, Pyra began following the medic and heavy, where she could be "Spy Checker". Her hands trembled slightly as she looked around, her grip tight, her hands covered by the rubbery fireproof suit. The mask seemed to get hotter as she sweat simply from anticipation, and she became glad her hands were not truly touching the flamethrower, were it to slip from her grasp.

"Pyra! This way!" Thomas's voice came through a haze of bullets, his hand going into the air for her attention.

"Thomas!" Shouted Rupert as he began to use his minigun against the Blues. "I need backup!"

"Right on it!" Thomas quickly spun to Pyra, firmly grabbing her arm. "Come on, We need you!"

Pyra nodded, running toward Rupert with Thomas. As she ran, an enemy demoman ran in front of her, swinging at her with a Ullapool Caber, but he missed, hitting the ground and being blown backwards into the air. Pyra herself flew backwards, her hands grabbing for Thomas's, gripping his hand and pulling herself up, picking up her Rainblower as she went. A blue soldier came close, and she quickly sent the burning fire from her weapon toward her attacker. The soldier began screaming, but she pushed it out of her head. Running across the sand toward the heavy with Thomas, she panted in the overheated suit, then ran in front of the heavy himself, arming herself with the Flare Gun. Quickly Rupert reached for her, pulling her back lightly but firmly.

"I wouldn't want you to get hurt, M'lady." Pyra found herself smiling under the mask, Rupert blushed as she nodded, and he continued firing, Pyra standing right behind him, her Rainblower out as they went on.  Just then, something lodged itself into Pyra's arm. Quickly she looked down at her arm in shock, Realizing an arrow had pierced her arm.

"PYRA!" Yelled Thomas, quickly aiming his Medigun at her instead of Rupert. Rupert quickly dispatched the Sniper, and touched her arm lightly as all traces of the arrow went away.

"Mmmpph?" Pyra said, her mask muffling her every word.

"If your wondering about the medi-gun, I honestly don't know myself, Dear." Thomas gently helped up the girl, and she hugged Thomas, to his immediate surprise.

"Mmm Mmmph!" Pyra said enthusiastically, letting the Medic go with a thumbs up.

"Your very welcome, Pyra." Thomas smiled. "I believe its time to get back to work, though." Pyra nodded, hugging the large heavy once, as she pulled out her Rainblower in preparation to burn down anyone in the trio's way. Rupert very quickly moved in front of her once more, and then she gently moved his hand away.

"Mmmmmph." Rupert tilted his head.

"I'm sorry, Pyra, but I can't understand. Its the mask, Though I realize you have to wear it." Thomas shook his head, but Pyra gently moved in front of him.

"Mmmmmmph." Rupert slowly nodded.

"You want to lead, don't you?" Rupert asked, very quietly.

"Mmmph Mmmph!" Pyra nodded vigorously, and ran forward, now with a Homewrecker sledgehammer in hand, hitting anyone in her path. Her arms swung quickly toward the many scouts and warriors in her way, Even an engineer, his sentry, and even his dispenser went down before her raging sledgehammer. Pyra ran forward, and then she saw it- The first control point, surrounded by snipers and soldiers, even a heavy and engineer. She ran onto the point, as most of the Blues stood, Dumbfounded, as she raised a bubble wand to her mask, a rainbow appearing over her head, even a unicorn, when suddenly, everything around her turned to fire, and all the Blues on the point burned. Thomas looked at Pyra with new respect, and Rupert grabbed her hand in his and raised it high above their heads, just as the loudspeaker announced,

"The First Control Point has been captured!" Quickly, fences slid from underground vaults to contain in the Red for a full 24 hours before they could continue their seige. Pyra hugged the medic and heavy who had helped her thus far, and she cheered, heading into the small building which had appeared from the ground, Rupert's large hand still in her glove.

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